Angel Face

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Alaia's POV

As i walk out of the living room, i find Marco, Angelo, Martial and Ross in the Kitchen, deadly quiet. They must have been eavesdropping on our conversation, and now i feel even more stupid.

Without saying a word, i walk out of the apartment and into the elevator. Marco and Martial quickly join me but no one says a word for a while.

"Do you know if the girls are still at the club?" i ask Marco, thinking about joining them.

He clears his throat.

"Yes, but its almost midnight now, don't you think it's better if you go home"

"The last thing i need right now is someone else bossing me around and telling me what to do like am a kid. I can make my own decisions, or do you want me to get a permission slip from Nick allowing me stay up late?" I grumble.

He doesn't respond, which makes me feel bad. I am being unfair to him when all he has been is good to me, but I don't know how else to act right now.

"I'm sorry" i whisper.

"Don't be" he says.

He grabs my hand, and squeezes it like he usually does to give me comfort.

In the car he asks.

"To the club?"

"No" I say shaking my head. He is right, i should just go home.

The place is quiet when we arrive home. I get out of the car as Marco talks to the security guys. I think Martial is going home now or something.

Walking into the house i walk straight to the place i know they keep some alcohol. Why? well, why not. I don't want to think tonight.

Holy crap! this stuff burns. Why would anyone want to drink this all the time? Everyone makes it look so easy when they do it. I had just finished my third glass, when Marco finds me.

"Jesus! Ally, what are you doing?" he asks, trying to grab the bottle from me.

"What? I'm old enough to drink ain't i? You guys here drink all the time. Plus you have all this alcohol in the house. You know what? you should open up a bar. I could be the bartender or something. Men, its hot in here, do you feel hot, i feel really hot....oohhhh, my throat is burning"  i shout.

I start to fun myself with my hand.

"Oohhh, it's so hot, i need water, you know what would be nice, swimming. You can teach me to swim now, you said you would right" i ask him.

"Now?" he laughs.

"Yep, why not?" i start heading towards the pool still funning myself.

"Ally, i think you are a little bit tipsy. why don't you go to bed. I will teach you tomorrow if you still want to learn ok?"

"You are no fun, i don't feel like sleeping right now"

Marco's POV

Changing course she heads for the fountain outfront instead and before i know it, she climbs in.

"Whooooo hooo. This isn't too bad" she shouts happily splashing around.

Men, how much did she drink in such a short time. If the circumstances were different, this would have been very cute.

"What's going on?" Dad asks startling me. He looks at Ally with wide eyes unable to believe what he is seeing.

"She is a little bit tipsy" i try to explain, rubbing the back of my neck.

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