Can't Escape My Love

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A/N. Warning: Very Mature content ahead.

Alaia's POV

After a long epic night with the girls, coming down stairs in the morning, i find mom and dad in the living room looking abit shaken. That's when i am met with the latest story in the news. 

There is a story in a gossip site that about me again. Apparently, some people came forward about my past and have given anonymous interviews about my "sexual escapades" during my teen years which resulted in my pregnancy. Someone even claims to have been the father of the baby i lost.

My feel my heart drop.

Things were just getting better between Nick and i, and now this again. I lower my head to avoid looking at my parents. I turn around and go back upstairs. Closing the door behind me, i slide down to the floor. 

It's not fair that this keeps happening to me, it's not fair, at all.

Nickolas' POV

"Yeah, i want every detail of their sources by midday, i don't care what you have to do, get it done" i shove the phone in my pocket and grab a set of keys not really caring which car it is.

Coming down stairs mom literally comes running to me.

"Have you seen it? How much more humiliation are you going to allow this girl to bring upon us Nickolas? Three! three charities have cancelled our engagements due to all these ugly stories and i..."

"Enough mother! Enough, i really don't give two shits about your charities right now." i mutters

"Nickolas! That is no way to talk to your mother. Show her some respect." Dad growls angrily, coming to join us.

"I am going out" i announce heading out of the door, before we make any further conversation.

 It's going to take 45 minutes to get to Ally's house and I can't get there fast enough.


Upon arriving,  Steven opens the door for me. There is still so much awkwardness between us, we barely ever have anything to say to each other.

"Good morning, is Ally in?" I ask.

"She is in the kitchen, but before i allow you to see her, ......" he says standing in my way 

"I don't want any problems. I don't care what you have done for her, but I will not allow you or anybody to hurt her" he utters.

"Well noted" i say,  and try to side step him, but he grabs my arm roughly, stopping me in my tracks again.

"What ever you think you know, you.. "

"Dad? " Zara calls, as she walks in interrupting our exchange. 

Finally, about damn time he grew a backbone!

I take the opportunity of the distraction to shrug off his hand and walk to the kitchen. 

Ally is looking out the kitchen window when i walk in. She turns around as if sensing my presence and her face falls. Her eyes start to turn glossy as tears threaten to fall.

"Hey.... C'mere" I say, taking long strides towards her.

"It's ok babe... It's ok... Everything will be fine, we're alright" i say to her, as i wrap my arms around her. 

I lift her up, wrapping her legs around my waist and continue to soothe her as she buries her head in the crook of my neck.

"It's ok my love, it's going to be just fine, i promise, i got you now." i whisper against her hair.

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