Prisoner Of Love

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Alaia's POV

Its been three days since Nick and i arrived at their family villa in Genoa. The hotel was elegant and posh, it felt like a room in the castle. It was perfect and we made some wonderful, unforgettable memories there.

But i must admit i love the villa more, it feels like home. Its not as sophisticated as the hotel, but definitely just as stylish. It has a more personal touch to it that i like.

It's usually leased out during the majority of the year but left free during the holidays. It's located within a beautiful neighborhood with a lake close by. The villa estate is enormous with a pool, a tennis court, a vast lawn and the house itself is a big mansion with seven bedrooms.

Nick had the place prepared for our visit but left out some details that we then had to finish ourselves. Yesterday afternoon, we went shopping for various house furniture, some paintings, decorations etc and did the arrangement ourselves. I know our visit is temperol, but we wanted everything to feel authentic. We are basically playing house.

We have some people helping us with the house work but we are left alone after 5pm. I am in love with the place. I can definitely picture myself living here,  plus, the neighbours are great, we have met two already, and one old couple, a friend of the family, came over to welcome us.

"What's this?" Nick asks, picking up a small package that fell from a drawer he was trying to stuff some things in. My eyes zero in on what he is holding and literally dash across the room and quickly grab it from his hands.

He looks at me bewildered.

"It's nothing, just.... nothing" i walk back across from him and feel his intense gaze still on me. I may have overreacted abit i guess, but i changed my mind about giving this to him.


We just had lunch recently and are now relaxing in the TV room watching an old movie before going out later. When the movie ends, Nick turns to me.

"Another gift?" i ask, as he hands me a small beautiful gift bag. One of the many gifts i have received since we came on this trip. That first night at the hotel i got flowers, chocolates and a Teddy bear.

'You are a little too old for this, but you said you won a teddy at a fair when you were little and gave it away. Well, consider this a replacement' he had said.

After that, i got a bracelet and earrings, two different pairs and i get flowers everyday. He is spoiling me way too much. Which makes me feel so bad because while he had all these gifts planned out, i only have the card. Now everytime I receive a gift, i just feel bad instead.

"Mmhhmm" he replies, kissing me softly.

"You know you really don't have to give me so many gifts"

"I will give you a million gifts to my hearts content." He says, pushing some hair behind my ear.

My heart beats with sadness again. I appreciate the thought, i just don't know what do get him in return. I didn't expect him to be dishing out gifts everyday.

"Thank you" i manage to say, with a little smile.

"I was going to give this to you at the ranch, but then things didn't go so well. I've had it since, waiting for the right moment. This feels just about right" he smiles, he looks really happy and relaxed.

"Thank you" i say again, feeling very grateful and lucky to have him. I open it to reveal another necklace, but this one has a small metal plate about half the length of my middle finger with the word 'Alaia' written in shinny diamonds on it. It's beautiful and personal. He must have put alot of thought into it.

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