Beautiful Disaster

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Alaia's POV

On our way to the hospital, I am trying not to panic, because we don't know what state they are in. I really don't know what to feel, i am so angry at Nick, but at the same time i know i would die is something happened to him.

Mum takes my hand as i sit next to her in the car, sensing my mood. Angelo is driving and Marco is sitting on the passenger's side. His parents have taken another car.

We have a team of security with us in another car as well. The rest have stayed home.

Arriving at the hospital, we find that Nicole is unconscious. We're told she had a severe wound on her thigh that required stitching, and now, she is resting. Aaron is already with her. His group must have reached them faster since they were already in town.

Nick is sitting in a different room, and a doctor just finished stitching up a wound on his side, he has some bruises and scratches on his arms and face. He looks beat, but he is ok, and not nearly as bad as Nicole, luckily.

Yolanda and Allesio walk in and hug him affectionately, causing him to wince, due to the pressure on his wounds.

I stand by the window and watch, as Marco joins them, and they all engage in a another family hug or something.

He alive. He is ok.

Now I can be ok.

I didn't realise tears were falling down my face, till Angelo handed me a handkerchief.

"Thanks" i say without looking at him.

We go and sit down at a nearby bench and i reach out for Moms hand. I wish i can tell her everything i have discovered today, but i know i am not supposed to share with anybody. I'm so confused right now.

I remember Rhea's words about Jude, but I didn't pay it much attention at the time, because I didn't believe her. But after what Nick confessed, I wonder now, if there was any truth to it.

"I need to call Jude, do you have his new number?" I ask her.

"No honey, but i think your sisters do. Why do you have to call him right now?" she asks curiously.

Honestly, it hasn't been long since i last saw him, but he left in such a rush and i assumed it was so he could finish up his project and wrap up his education, but now i am worried about what could have really happened to him.

I quickly glance at Angelo and he stares back, almost as if he is daring me to say something more.

Arrogant loyal bastard. They are all the same.

"I just need to check on up him, that's all."

This time, it's Mom who looks at him, and then me. She looks at him again.

"Can you give us a moment alone" she tells him.

He gives me a brief stare, narrows his eyes at me, and walks away without a word.

I see he and Nick are more alike than i thought.

Arrogant much.

"Talk to me love. What's going on now"

I sigh, thinking about how best to communicate what I am feeling, with saying more than I should.

She hugs me for a while without saying a word.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she finally asks pulling away. She knows me so well, i don' like to talk about my feelings much.

"It's just...Nick and i... i don't think we can make it together. We are just too different and there is always something that comes up, everything it feels like we are making progress with each otther...I will never fit into his world, and him into mine." i try to explain without giving out too much information.

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