Back To Life

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Alaia's POV

As i watch Zara's excitement going over all the presents, i honestly don't know how to feel about it. Nick had these gifts set up long before yesterday's events, so i guess Lu is just following through with this, otherwise it would have meant more if he was here presenting them to me himself.

"Happy birthday again Ally, i have to go, but before i forget, the ice rink has been booked from 4pm till midnight, so you can take however long you like, don't worry about time, and you can bring however many people you want." Lu says before leaving.

So thats what we did with my whole family exluding Sienna, but including Rita, Liz, Robert and even Jude came along. When we arrived, we found the place was nicely decorated with birthday ballons and lights and it looked very magical.

There was also lots of food and drinks for everyone. It was beautiful, Zara ended up calling some of her friends over, and later, Lola came over, Marco and Aaron brought her. Lu too came back with her boyfriend. It was almost perfect, if only Nick had been here too.

I make a few attempts to skate but not feeling my best, i end up deciding to watch everyone do it, which is still fun because everyone is having such a great time goofing around together.

Sometime into the evening, everyone sings me a happy birthday before i blow out the candles on the birthday cake that mum made.

"Happy birthday again" Aaron says, making conversations with me. He and i have never really had a chance to talk, it feels almost a little awkward.

"Thanks, thank you for coming"

"Sure, am glad i did, its a fun night." he replies. Luckily, Lola gestures for him to go over and he excuses himself.

"He is quite something huh" Rita whispers watching him leave. "He is single now right?" she continues and i can't help but laugh.

"Yes and Yes" i reply. I have never paid much attention to Aaron before but i must admit the Bishop brothers are definately a good looking bunch, Aaron and Marco look a little more alike, they even have a similar height but where Marco has a more mysterious or trouble maker look to him, Aaron looks friendly and has a mischievous glint in his eye. He does not look as unapproachable as either Marco or Nick does and i only just noticed it now.

"Hey bud....having a good time" Dad asks coming to hug me and sit next to me on the bench.

I give him my best smile.

"Am happy to be spending time with you guys" i say as we watch the skating go on.

"This is nice here" He gestures towards the whole arrangement.

"Yeah" I reply simply. To think Nick  had all this set up in such a short time seeing as i only told him about this place yesterday morning.

"Have you talked to him" he asks abruptly and i frown and shake my head.

"Have you tried to talk to him" he asks again and i make a face.

"Me?" And he laughs lightly. He is the one that should be trying to talk to me right.

"Pride has no place in a relationship"

"Psshht, Anyway you don't even like him, I thought this would make you happy"

"No man wants to see his daughter unhappy honey, i only want the best for you...........But am not stupid, i see how much he cares for you" he says and it surprises me further.

"It's just what he said yesterday......" i try to say but he interrupts.

"I know, but have you tried to see things from his point of view. How he must have felt. He is responsible not only for you but for the baby too. Now am not saying you are wrong or he right, but the way you went about what you did honey, wasn't the best, even i was angry and runting remember" he says and it makes me sigh.

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