His Queen, My King

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Alaia's POV

I can barely wait for Nick to get back home today. Despite having somewhat of a busy day with my parents and Rita earlier, the hours seem to drag on forever.

We talked on the phone but it only made me even more earger to see him.

I asked security to let me know when he enters the building so I can be the first thing he sees when he walks through the door, a bit hackneyed, but I can't help it. He is late, so i guess he should be here any minute now.

Having finished with dinner a while ago, i am upstairs, watching a documentary about african wildlife when i finally get the call to let me know he is on his way up.

I wait a few minutes before jumping off the bed to go meet him.

Nickolas' POV

Finally, i get to go home. I contemplated cutting my work day short over a dozen times today, and if Ally had actually been home instead of visiting her parents most of today, i would have.

Being away from her actually feels different this time, i constantly feel like something is missing today, and i know that void will only be filled by her. My little treasure.

This reminds me of that feeling after you get your first girlfriend as a teenager, that feeling of wanting to see or be with them all the time, where every single thing reminds you of them, and you're constantly walking around with a big smile on your face, and nothing else matters, well, its worse now because my feelings for Ally are a million times stronger.

I can imagine her right now, i left her in bed, but she is probably wearing jeans and a loose shirt by now, i can guarantee her hair is held up in a bun or pony tail, with those nerdy specs sitting on her nose, looking effortlessly beautiful.

I was worried after losing our baby that it will cause a rift between us, but i see now, that we will navigate through that loss together, Faith has been really helpful in helping us deal with our feelings and sharing our thoughts about it with each other, sometimes the thought of what could have been comes to mind, and it hurts, but it helps to think of what we do have and the possibility of someday trying again for another baby.


Despite my eagerness to get home, i arrive a little later than usual because i had to deal with something important that came up last minute.

Just as i am extending my hand to punch in the codes and open the door to the apartment, it opens from the inside. She doesn't even give me a chance to register the moment before she jumps into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist and i take a step back, quickly maintaining my balance, good thing she is not heavy at all.

Am glad to see that she missed me as much as i missed her.

"I missed you" she whispers against my ear, before adjusting the specs on her nose that threathen to fall due to her abrupt jump. 

I walk into the house with her in my arms, murmuring how much i missed her as well.

"You're late" she frowns, pushing at my chest to get down.

"I know, am sorry, something came up last minute" i say, reluctantly letting her down.

"Welcome home Mr Bishop" she flatters her eyes lashes at me.

I tag her back to me.

"I have decided, that this is how i want to be welcomed home every day" i say, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Ohh yeah, it's not too much?" She asks, reaching up to kiss me on the cheek"

"Definately not too much" i turn my head to try and catch her lips but she pulls back fast.

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