Chapter 16 - Whatever the Cost

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A/N. Picture of Yolanda aka Nick's mother.

Nickolas' POV

"Good morning"

"Morning" i respond.

"I want to talk to you"

"Not now"

"Yes right now.... Whats going on Nick... Why did you get married all of a sudden and so secretly? Who is she?"

"I said not now Nicole"...I am not in a good mood right now, and i am late. So i walk away, leaving her standing there.


I have a morning packed with meetings and deadlines to meet, but my mind is back home. I wonder what Alaia is doing, is she up already? Did she have breakfast yet. I know she didn't have lunch yesterday and also skipped dinner, so i hope she has had something to eat by now.

Marco calls me asking if she can visit her father, but she refuses to talk to me to ask me herself. She's been ignoring me since last night and i don't like it. I normally wouldn't play into this game. But with her, its bothering me.

I already checked in with the hospital and her father is doing fine. I don't see the need for her to go there right now, so ofcourse i said no. I knew she would want to go there today, and so i planned to take her there myself after work, so if only she had spoken to me on the phone,  i would have told her that and eased her concerns.


It's 1pm now and i decide to check in on Alaia again through Elizabeth.

"Hello" she answers the phone.

I clear my throat awkwardly.

"Elizabeth..... How is Alaia?... What is she doing now? " i ask, wondering if I sound as pathetic as i feel asking her these questions.

"Oohh....well, she's ok. She spent all morning in the bedroom sir." she replies.

"Has she had lunch already, what did she eat?" i ask.

"Oh, well, no.. She refused to eat. She didn't have breakfast either...I tried to get her to eat but...... "

I cut the line.

What the fuck?? Now she is just taking this too far.

The last thing i need is for her to collapse from hunger and for me to be accused of starving her.

I decide to cut the rest of my working day short and go back home. 

I will have to deal with this situation first.

I am walking out of the office absentminded when i almost physically bump into Rhea. 

Great, just what i need right now.

"Hold your horses, why the rush" she drawls.

"Hi.. Look, this is not a good time, i need to get somewhere fast. I will call you later, ok" i say trying to walk passed her.

"So it's true" She says lifting my left hand to indicate the gold ring now sitting on my ring finger.

"Yes.. But i can't get into it with you right now, i will talk to you later" i try to leave again.

"Why didn't you tell me, you came over to my place the other night. You slept over Nick, you owe me an explanation, right now....How can you just marry someone three days later, and i get to hear it from your mom" She says agitated. I can see she is clearly holding back some real anger.

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