Chapter 11 - Breaking more hearts than mine

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A/N...Ally's dress to the courthouse in the picture

Alaia's POV

"Are you ok?" I ask dad who's sitting at the kitchen table in the middle of the night when every one else is still sleeping.

He spent most of the weekend avoiding me... I feel terrible because in just a few hours, i will be gone from this house. Somehow i knew he would be up somewhere in the house, so i came down stairs to talk to him.

He sighs 

" I am really sorry it had to come to this hun" he confesses, the sadness evident in his voice.

"I know,  it's ok dad"

"No it's not...It's not too late to change your mind" he pleads.

"Dad i made up my mind. i am doing this"

"Maybe i am the one who won't forgive you if you do" he says.

"Maybe i can live with that" 

And honestly, i can. There is not much i have ever done for my family, they have always taken care of me. There whole lives have always revolved around me, there are many things that they all have had to forego just because of my condition....letting go of opportunities just because someone needs to stay home with me and so on and so forth.....this is the one thing i can do for them and i am doing it. i know they are disappointed, but i can live with that.

We both fall silent for a long time, not knowing what else to say really to the other. I don't know what i can say to make him feel better.

"I missed you this weekend, we haven't really had time to talk. I know I dissapointed you with this whole agreement but...." i start to explain to him but he interrupts me.

"You haven't dissapointed me Ally, you never have. Am very proud of you and the woman you are...and even now, for putting the family first. I have always been proud of you for your kindness and sacrifices baby. I am very proud of how brave and strong you are. Don't you forget that ok.....I am just disappointed in myself for letting you down and putting you in this this position" He murmmers, and I feel a tear fall from my eyes.

"What you are doing for all of us, that is my job, it's my duty to make sure you guys are ok. To provide and protect you girls....... Am very ashamed. I couldn't face you, that's why i have been avoiding you" he confesses.

"Think of it as an adventure. I never get to do anything different and this will be......interesting to do..Just imagine that i went to camp for a year, and you guys can visit me all the time, and i can do the same. It will be over before we know it." i utter cheerfully, hoping to ease some of his fears.

Silence again.

"If he hurts you, or does anything to harm you..If anyone of them makes you feel uncomfortable honey, even just for a minute, please promise me you will come home. Then we will figure it out from there together, ok...promise me Alaia?" he begs reaching out for my hand and i realize his are shaking.

"I promise" i whisper. 

That is all i can think to say.  It will be ok, am sure of it.

We chat a little while longer and eventually both go to bed.


" Mrs Bishop, Mrs Bishop" I hear a voice in my head, except, it's not in my Head.

"Allllly" Someone screams in my ear again.

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