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Alaia's POV

Today is the day of the operation. We have been here three days today. 

I am nervous as hell, but  trying to keep a brave face so not to alarm everyone.

Lola and Rita arrived last night so its' a full house. If not for the issue of the operation, this would have been the best vacation ever. For what its worth, i will never ever forget this time i spent with everyone, and i will always be grateful to Nick for making it possible no matter how our relationship ends up.

"Good luck Princess" says a familiar male voice.


"In the flesh" he utters.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was in the neighborhood, and i heard you were here so, i here i am........."he says and i chuckle,

"Isn't it obvious. This face has to be the first thing you see. It will change your life." he adds, making me shake my head in a giggle.

"Thanks for coming" i say genuinely. 

It's rather nice of him to do so, when he didn't have to.

"Alright everybody, see you soon." I say softly, as the doctors come to get me.

"Wait, let us pray before you go" Mum murmurs a prayer and everyone hugs and kisses me goodbye again as i am taken away. 

Here goes nothing.


Nickolas' POV

My focus levels have been going down with each day that passes. 

Today is Ally's operation and i can't even get myself out of bed. I barely slept last night, wondering what she must be thinking or doing.

Lola and Rita have joined them too now, and judging from the pictures Lu and Lola have been sending me, everyone is having a great time under the circumstances.

Marco left to join them too. He asked if he could go, and i thought why not, he and Ally have become such good friends, i am sure she will appreciate it. 

He tried to get me to go with him, but, even thought i would have liked to be there with her right now, i don't think she would have liked that very much. We always seem to get into a fight, and looking at the seriousness of the situation, i don't want to make things awkward or uncomfortable for her or anyone.


Five hours later and i am calling Lu for the third time to find out what's going on, and i am told, they are still not back from the operating theater.

Two hours later Dr Patrova calls me himself as soon as he leaves the operating room, to tell me the operation is done and everything went as planned. We will have to wait two days before we find out how successful it was.

Ally will have to have a follow up operation after 6 weeks if the first one is successful, but for now, we have to wait before the bandages are removed in two days time.

Feeling somewhat better, i decide to meet up with Angelo for a drink. 

I need some fresh air.


"There you are" Rhea says coming to sit at our table by the VIP section of one of the exclusive clubs in town.

Have been trying to avoid her as much as possible with the media trying to sniff out anything they can find about me now.

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