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You were the beauty,

I was the beast ,

I was the king kong
Climbing on your cliff,
In the victory of having you.

I have came too far from my
shelter in the search of my home.

Now that I'm dying,
Look in my eyes and tell me,
Did i make a WRONG CHOICE?!

- The dawn

Alaia's POV

'I was just trying to help you.. This Nick that you think you not the real Nick. You don't know Nickolas Bishop Alaia. What he has done, what he is capable of when you push the right buttons.

Nickolas gets what he wants, always, at any cost, and right now, that's you, and it's cute that you think it's going to last.....'

Rheas words keep echoing in my head.

'You don't know anything, but if you knew the real Nick, you would be running in the opposite direction.'

Oh my God, is this what she was talking about? She was really right. 

This is alot to take in. What else is there about him that he is yet to tell me? What am i supposed to do now? I don't think i can look at him the same way. It's had to imagine that he is capable of such things. My nick, the man i am in love with. A criminal? i am in love with a criminal?

Wait, i am in love?  

I'm in love with him.

I am pacing  around in our bedroom upstairs, with my thoughts all over the place, when i am interrupted by a loud bang, followed by silence, that startles me. 

Anxious, i decide to go down stairs to find out what's going on. 

I find a bunch of people around the house, going into a panic. 

Where is my family, are they alright? Where is Nick?

"What the hell was that? " Angelo asks, coming from one direction.

I was just about to ask the same thing, when Allesio speaks before me.

"I don't know" Yolanda and Rhea follow behind him as we all walk outside.

I was about to ask about my family when i see Mom, Dad, Rita and Sienna and a few workers, heading our way from the stables. All looking panicked.

"Where are the girls? "Yolanda asks referring to Lola and Zara.

"In town with Tomaso, Emilia and Aaron"

Just then Martial and Max the other security guy show up.

"Where is Nick?" Angelo asks, taking the words right out of my mouth, but this time he is looking at me, asking me.

"He stayed outside when i came into the house" i answer nervously.

"Everyone get into the house while we check things around" Martial commands.

"Where is Nick? Are you not supposed to be with him? what happened to your security protocols?" Allesio growls angrily at Martial. 

Just then other security guys show up from different directions making some signals to Martial and Max. I think Max is the head of security here.

"Nickolas changed the protocols a couple of weeks ago. His wife is my first priority now. I have to stay with her. But, if you can all please go inside, we will go ahead and look for him"

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