Where's the Epic Background Music?

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————————song for this chapter: murder song - acoustic by aurora and nightmares and flare guns————————

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song for this chapter: murder song - acoustic by aurora and nightmares and flare guns

AFTER TELLING BELLAMY about Octavia's disappearance, I insisted that we had to check the camp. I took the dropship while he took the tents. I crept into the dark space and shined my torch above all the sleeping bodies.

"Octavia?" I muttered, but all I managed to do was wake up a couple people and Elliot, who practically engulfed me in a hug.

"Jesus Christ, Hails." He muttered into my hair. "You had me worried half to death." After we pulled apart, I relayed what had happened and why I was looking for Octavia. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, eyeing the cut above my eye.

I rolled my eyes, "Yes, Elliot, I'm fine." I reassured. "I'll be even better once we find Octavia."

He nodded, following me. "I'm not letting you out of my sight." He said before adding, "Where you go, I go." My lips turned upward slightly.

"Alright, then let's go find Bellamy and figure out his game plan." I said, marching off the dropship ramp we were standing on.

After finding Clarke and Bellamy, we were addressing the crowd of delinquents.

"Hey, everybody, gather around and grab a weapon!" I yelled out into the clearing, effectively waking everyone up.

"My sister's been out there alone for 12 hours." He continued. "Arm up. We're not coming back without her." I stood next to him, watching as Jasper grabbed a spear.

Clarke came up next to him and said, "Hey, Jasper, you don't have to do this." Her face was solemn and patient. "You haven't left camp since we brought you back."

Jasper's eyes reflected pools of determination as he responded, "Clarke, I need to do this." Clarke backed off after he said this. A small smile spread across my face at his answer.

I patted him on the back and smiled. He smiled back before grabbing another spear as an extra.

I turned back to Bellamy and nodded. He nodded back before yelling, "We need another tracker." He said to me.

"Finn! Get out here." I yelled for him. After no response, I walked over to his tent. I expected him to be sleeping or something, but what, or rather who, I found was not what I expected. "Raven?" I stuttered out, staring at her face that I hadn't seen in years.

Her eyes flitted up to me and a smile spread across her face. Her smile tuned out the rest of the world as she flung her arms around me. "Hailey!" She squeezed me tightly. I laughed at her gesture.

Once apart, I marvelled at her face. "How did you... The pod." I realised. She nodded. "You're crazy." I chuckled.

She shrugged before laughing. "Not as crazy as that one time in Sinclair's office. Remember?" She laughed. "We put glue all over his shit after he assigned a stupid assignment for us." I chuckled at her carefree expression.

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