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song: achilles come down by gang of youths

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song: achilles come down by gang of youths

We enter the tent and before us is Clarke talking to a screen that displays my dad and Jaha side by side. I clench my jaw and focus on something else other than the memories that accompany my father's face.

It doesn't work.

Images of my sister and mother's deaths flood my mind. I shut my eyes and unknowingly squeeze Bellamy's hand, which I hadn't let go of still. He squeezes back and a feeling of comfort floods through me.

Even if I think I am alone in this, he is always going to be there to share the blame-- to bear it with me.

I open my eyes and keep my eyes away from my dad's face. Instead, I zone in on Clarke. She sits, hunched forward and looking straight at the monitor. We can't hear what Jaha and my dad are saying, but she is nodding along attentively.

She finally glances up and notices us. A small smile breaks out on her face at the sight of Bellamy and I. She stands and hands the headset she was wearing to me and grabs a spare for Bellamy.

"Ready to face the devil?" She smirks and I almost laugh.

"My dad is nothing compared to some of the devils down here." I elbow Bellamy in the side to try and lighten the mood. His lips tilt upward as he glances down at me.

"Shut up." He mumbles, looking away from me with a smile on his face.

I shake my head, amused. I nod to Clarke and she hastily leaves the tent, leaving Bellamy and I alone to face Jaha and my dad.

"Ready?" I ask, squeezes his hand. He glances down at our hands before looking down at me.

He tilts his head to the side before clicking his tongue. "Nope."

"Good." I murmur, sitting down in front of the video screen. "You'd be crazy to be ready for this."

He takes in a deep breath before sitting down next to me and instantly his leg starts hopping up and down.

I glance at it and then glance back at him, but his eyes were glued to the side of Jaha's face as he talked to someone next to him, presumably my dad. I hastily put on the headset and Bellamy follows.

Jaha's head turns and he finally notices us. "Mr. Blake," He says before looking to me. "Miss Kane." He smiles lightly at me, but all I offer is a tight-lipped smile in return. His gaze returns to Bellamy and he clenches his jaw. "I've wanted to talk to you for some time now."

I hear Bellamy's breath quicken and his hands won't stop fidgeting. I reach over and intertwine our hands once more and squeeze. He squeezes back and his legs gradually slows down its hopping and his breathing slows.

I clear my throat, not looking at Bellamy before speaking. "Before you do," I begin. "I'd like to say something. When you sent us down here, you sent us to die,"I deadpan with narrowed eyes. "But miraculously, most of us are still alive. In large part, that is because of him, because of Bellamy." I glance up at him and our eyes meet. His eyes hold something different. Something sincere. I squeeze his hand before looking back at the screen. "He's one of us, and he deserves to be pardoned of his crimes just like the rest of us." I finish with a set jaw.

He sighs and looks off screen again. "Hailey,  I appreciate your point of view, but it's not that simple." He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms.

I clench my jaw and narrow my eyes, preparing to counter his words, when Bellamy speaks. "It is if you want to know who on The Ark wants you dead." He squeezes my hand hard, hoping, no--needing for Jaha to pardon him. I cross my fingers on my free hand and squeeze his hand with my other.

Jaha's eyebrows pull together and he leans forward. "Bellamy Blake, you're pardoned for your crimes." He says and a gleaming smile breaks out across my face. Bellamy and I make eye contact, our grins matching. "Now, tell me who gave you the gun."

"Shumway." He answers without hesitation.

A hesitant expression takes over Jaha's face before he nods and walks away.

"You did it." I breathe, smiling at Bellamy.

He shakes his head and engulfs me in a hug. My eyes widen as his arms wrap around my middle, but I eventually give in. "We did it." He speaks into my shoulder.

I shake my head at his cheesiness and break apart from him. I smile at him before walking out of the tent, leaving with a lighter heart.

My eyes catch Clarke leaving Finn's tent and my eyes narrow. I catch up to her and tap her shoulder. She glances back at me, but doesn't stop.

"Cool, so walking and talking is your thing now." I muse, walking with her.

She spins around and stops in front of me. "Do you think the guns are a bad idea?" She glares.

"Uhh." I trail off. "No?" I say, but it sounds more like a question. "I think we definitely need them, but I feel like they could potentially be a problem in the future as we all are delinquents." I say and she nods slowly, agreeing. My eyes narrow as I stare at her. "Why?"

She glances away from me before answering. "Finn thinks it's a bad idea." She mutters and I scoff.

"We can't make everyone happy, Blondie." I wrap my arm around her shoulder as we walk. "Some people are going to despise us, but we can't change that." She nods along. "They'll understand in the end when they realise that we made all the hard calls for them." I stare off into the trees with a small smile on my face.

She looks at me and nods slowly before glancing away.

"What?" I ask, trying to catch her gaze.

She looks back at me and her gaze is no longer thankful. It's guilty. "He said that you and Bellamy were leading us all down a dark path and I..." She glances away. "I think he's wrong, but..." She turns back to me. "I mean with you two dating and all--"

My eyes almost shoot out of my head. "WHAT?" I almost yell. "We're not..." I try not stifle my laughter, but some escapes. "We're not dating." I chuckle at her embarrassed expression.

"Oh." She murmurs and turns away. "It's just..." She trails off, turning back to me. "With the way you guys act around each other, I just assumed." She tries to reason and I smile.

"It's fine, Clarke." I wave her off and smile. She turns to me and smiles before her gaze flicks down to my lips for a millisecond and then she takes a step back.

"I'm just gonna..." She points behind her and smiles awkwardly before turning and walking away.






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