Life Might as Well be Dunked in Lava

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song: we have it all by pim stones

My eyes trail after Clarke as she picks through the smouldered and charred wreckage. My feet stay rooted to the spot as everyone moves around me, digging through what's left of the crash site.

What's left of my father.

My face is stoic and my arms are crossed, unwilling to show any emotion. I take in a deep breath, reminding myself that right now, nobody can afford to be weak. The grounders are gearing up for an attack and Clarke isn't in the best state of mind. I can't blame her though, neither am I.

I had a small ounce of hope before I came to the crash site. I refused to use my mechanic instincts to determine whether or not my father was dead, but now? As I stand in the middle of the crater left behind by the drop ship, I know that hope was ill-placed.

"Hailey?" I jump as a hand is placed on my arm.

I let out a sigh of relief when I realise that it's just Elliot.

"Hey." I murmur, looking beyond him.

He keeps his hand on my shoulder, but brings it around both of my shoulders. "You doing okay?"   He whispers into my ear.

I clench my jaw and clamp my eyes shut. "I'm fine, Elliot." I grit out.

"Okay..." He trails off, watching me. "Well, if you need to talk to someone, you know that I'm here, right?" He tries to catch my eyes, but my eyes remain glued to a blackened piece of metal.

"Thank you, but I'm fine." I say, finally meeting his gaze. "He was a lying son of a bitch anyways." I lie through my teeth.

I get out from underneath his arm before he can respond.

"See you around, yeah?" I fein nonchalance.

He nods hesitantly. "Yeah."

I then turn and start walking towards Raven, who's standing next to Finn.

"She shouldn't be out here." I hear Finn mutter to Raven, her gaze locked on Clarke.

"She wants answers." I shrug. Raven's eyes flick to mine, a question filling them. "I'm fine, seriously." Another lie.

"Her mom was on the ship." She mutters, her eyes still squinted towards me." She's looking for answers." She turns her head to Finn. "You want to help her, find me the black box, hard drives, anything that will explain why this ship crashed." I nod along with her.

I hear footsteps approach from behind. ""Stay sharp. Grounder retaliation for what happened on the bridge is coming, just a matter of when." Bellamy shouts out.

My hand unconsciously trails down to my broadsword at my waist. I run my hand up and down the hilt. His footsteps falter as he gets closer to me.

I sigh, "Before you ask, I'm fine." I pick up my head to meet his gaze.

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