Being a Leader is So Not Cool

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This chapter is dedicated to RebornRose1992 Thank you for voting on almost all of my chapters!! <3

This chapter is dedicated to RebornRose1992 Thank you for voting on almost all of my chapters!! <3

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song: earth by sleeping at last

After I break apart from Bellamy, I go down the ladder, leaving everyone up there with the grounder. My feet hit the ground as I jump off the ladder and my eyes meet Finn's.

"Finn!" I smile for the first time that day and I break into a run towards him. Pain erupts from my burns, but I ignore it. My body slams against his and I hear him wince, but he wraps his arms around me.

"Hey Rhett." He murmurs into my hair and my smile broadens at the old nickname.

I break away from him and I tilt my head. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Hailey." He says softly, keeping his hands on my arms. His gaze travels down to my waist where the fabric is singed. "What happened?" He reaches out to touch the fabric, but I jump away from him.

"Nothing." I say before crossing my arms. "I fell." I lie terribly

"You fell." He repeats flatly.

I nod and clear my throat. "When did you wake up?" I mutter, trying to change the conversation, looking everywhere but his face.

"Right when you came down." He says reluctantly. I nod and begin to walk away.

"I'm glad you're okay." I mutter before walking over to the drop ship door and pulling the lever that started it all.

"Jesus..." I mutter, staring at the wreckage that used to be the camp. I walk over to the now sodden campfire and kick one of the coals before turning back to the dropship. "If you are uninjured and able, help clean up the camp! We need everyone we can get." I yell out before muttering to myself, "Who knows when the grounders will come."

"Whenever they do, we need to be prepared." Bellamy says, stepping up beside me. My shoulders stiffen when I hear his voice and he notices. "What?"

I shake my head and back away, "Please don't talk to me." My eyes flicker everywhere but him and I see hurt cross over his features before they harden.

"Hailey, what I did was right." He forces out.

"I know that you think what you did was right." I say before turning and grabbing a piece of wood from the ground and throwing it into the fire pit.

"Hailey, help me out here." He grits out, grabbing a log and chucking it into the fire pit.

I shake my head as I grab another. "I can't help you discern what is right and wrong, Bellamy and if you think what you did was right, then we disagree." I simplify and throw it into the pit.

"So... all you're saying is that we just don't agree." He mutters. "You're not going to punch me or shove me?" He questions with furrowed brows.

My lips threaten to lift into a smile, but I shake my head. "No, Bellamy." I pause, grabbing another log. "I'm not going to hurt you and don't even think it's because I forgive you." I throw the log onto the pit and pain ripples through my burns. A grimace pulls at my lips, but I cover it with a cough.

"Is your burn still hurting you?" He mutters, uncharacteristic concern lacing his words.

"It happened less than an hour ago, Bellamy." I roll my eyes. "Of course it's going to hurt still."

His eyes narrow then he grabs my hand and begins to tug me towards his tent. "What are you doing?" I ask, reluctant to follow him.

"Just follow me." He mutters, pulling me after him.

I press my lips together and follow. He pushes aside the flap and the inside is a mess, but the tent is still upright, which is more than we can say for most of them.

"I'm surprised the tent stayed up." I mutter, glancing around the tent that I hadn't been in since the night Charlotte died. My heart plummets as the memories resurface. My promise, her broken face, and then her voice as she jumped off the cliff.

"Hey." Bellamy whispers, pulling me out of the memories. I open my eyes that I hadn't even realised I'd shut. "Are you okay?" He asks gently. His face is a few centimetres from mine.

I shrug out of his grasp, feeling uncomfortable with our proximity. "Fine." I say, trying to look anywhere but him.

I hear him clear his throat before he grabs a small box. "Here, sit." He says, gesturing to his bed. I sit and he says, "Lift up your shirt." My eyebrows furrow before doing so. "I found this in the dropship a couple days ago." He holds up the box and I recognise it immediately.

"First aid." I mutter before dropping my shirt. "Why do you have it?" My eyes narrow. "You should give this to Clarke, other people need this stuff, Bellamy."

He grabs the end of my shirt and lifts it up. "No, you do." He enforces and I press my lips together, trying not to insult him and his insistence.

He begins to rub some ointment from the box onto my burns. My stomach lurches at the pain and my eyes squeeze shut.

"It's okay." He mutters and puts a white bandage over the burns. "Done." He says and I slowly stand, trying not to hurt my stomach.

"Thanks, doc." I grimace at my joke while he smiles.

"You're welcome." He pauses. "After all, I can't be the only adult here." He chuckles.

A small smile tugs at my lips before we make our way out of the tent. We walk over to Clarke who is standing on the ramp looking out at the camp.

"We'll get it cleaned up." Bellamy promises from his place next to me.

"I wish this was our only mess." She murmurs and I nod grimly. She refuses to meet my gaze as she stares out at the camp.

"Clarke." Bellamy starts. "Who we are and who we need to be to survive are two very different things." He says.

She finally meets my gaze and I expect to see anger and fury, but it's a swirling pool of sadness and regret. "What are we going to do with him?" She asks, looking between Bellamy and I.

"We can't keep him locked up forever." I respond with my gaze directed to Bellamy.

"If we let him go, he'll be back and not alone next time." He tells me, staring into my eyes.

I narrow my eyes at him and press my lips together, looking away.

"Not easy being in charge, is it?" He murmurs to me as I stare off into the trees.

"No." I answer, looking back at him. "It isn't."


AHHHHH Okay so, Hailey is spiralling and I am to blame 😔

Basically I am the devil >:)

It gets better though I promise

Also lmk if you guys would like a playlist for this fanfic because I currently listen to a specific one to write and it reminds me of Hailey anddddd I feel like it would make your guys' experience better if you had one

Comment here —> if you would like one and if I make I'll put my Spotify in the first chapter


I redid the cast chapter as it looked kinda crappy

Now it looks ✨aesthetic✨

Anyway, please eat some food and drink some water



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