Midnight 'Coffee' Race

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———————song for this chapter: hurts like hell by fleurie and old me by 5sos———————

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song for this chapter: hurts like hell by fleurie and old me by 5sos

WRITING IN MY JOURNAL wasn't doing it for me anymore. I had to do something. I had to move. The ache of my muscles as they groaned in protest as I threw the knife into the tree was the only highlight of my day.

Charlotte died 3 days ago and every day felt longer. Finn had been a good friend to me and Elliot had tried, but he had no idea of how to comfort me. He tries, but it doesn't help. He doesn't understand the high I get when I feel my knife rip through the air.

I huffed as I threw yet another one of my perfectly crafted knives into a nearby oak tree. It landed with a thud. I trenched over to the tree and snatched my knives. I stuffed them into my pockets and gripped my sword, preparing to head back to camp. Leaving in the early hours of the morning and arriving in the late night was a regular occurrence for me now. I had too be better, stronger. My footfalls echoed throughout the forest as they crunched the leaves on the forest floor. Soon, the orange firelight from camp began to omit into the forest as I got closer. I threw my fist up against the wall. "Open up!" I yelled to the two who stood guard. The one on the right let out a grunt of surprise and he jerked upright in confusion. I waved to him and his cheeks reddened as he opened the door.

"Sorry, Hailey." He muttered as he hopped down from the guard post. He threw his spear in his belt loop. "I fell asleep." He chuckled into the night. I smiled tiredly. I went to say something, but he turned his attention from me to the night sky above me. "What the hell..." He muttered to himself. I turned my gaze to follow his. A yellow streak flowed through the sky like a falling star.

My eyebrows furrowed and I turned to leave without muttering anything to the unnamed guard. I took off to find Clarke, but instead I found Octavia. "Octavia." She turned towards me and smiled slightly. I turned my gaze to the 'star.' "Does that look like a star to you?" I asked and pointed to the falling object. It seemed a hell of a lot closer than it did a minute ago.

She furrowed her brows as she gazed at it. Her eyes widened in a realisation. "No." She turned to me. Other people began to understand as I heard mutters of it being another dropship. No, it's too small. There might be some supplies inside though.

"Bellamy get out here!" Octavia called from her spot next to me. She glanced to Bellamy's tent as he emerged. I kept my gaze to the sky as the object began to speed up.

I bit my lip in thought. "It's too small to be a dropship, probably just big enough for a person or some supplies." I said as I turned to Bellamy and his sister.

A girl to his left muttered, "Please tell me they brought some shampoo." She clutched the towel closer to her body. I rolled my eyes in response.

Bellamy placed his hands on his his hips as his attention was directed towards me. I kept my eyes aimed at his face, though his chest was out for the world to see. I turned my gaze to Octavia then. "It probably has a radio, so we can contact the Ark." A small smile broke out on her face as she turned her gaze back to the sky. I could feel Bellamy staring at me from my left. My gaze flitted to him. I raised my eyebrow at him and he shook his head.

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