Avoidance is the Best Type of Dancing

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song: midnight love by girl in red

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song: midnight love by girl in red

I avoid Bellamy like the plague.

After our delirious kiss, I practically ran out of the dropship. Growing up with my family, emotions weren't shown very often. Every time I was shoved into a closet or the cupboard, I would push down the feeling of being trapped, of being scared, and of being sad. I would push it all down because my life depended upon it.

Now is no different.

If I let Bellamy in, it's game over. Checkmate. He'll be my number one weakness and I can't have that in a war.

So, I shove whatever feelings I may have for Bellamy down. I slam and lock the door on them, once again steeling myself in a tomb of lies.

Down here, I will never be fine,  but I have to act the part. With my head held high and my sword at my hip, I walk through the clearing. I don't stop walking until I get to the gates.

"Open them," I say to the gatekeeper. His eyes widen when he sees it's me who's speaking before he begins to frantically pull at the rope. Once the gap is wide enough, I slip through. I walk into the forest and I don't stop.

"What should I tell them when they realise you're missing?" A voice says from the shadows. I whirl around, unsheathing my sword.

Elliot's face appears from the shadows.

I let out a breath. "What?" I ask, putting my sword back into its sheath.

"You were going to leave without saying goodbye." He states with a deflated look on his face.

"What?" I ask, confused. "No." I defend, shaking my head. "No, I'm going to see Miloch," I say, walking towards him. "I'll be back."

"Why are you going to see Miloch?" He asks, trying to keep the irritation out of his voice. "You're still sick."

I shake my head. "I've been resting for long enough." I shrug. "Besides, I need to come up with a way to protect the camp from tomorrow's assault," I say before turning and walking off into the forest.

"Y'know," he starts, causing my feet to stop. "Not every responsibility falls onto your shoulders, Hailey." He says coming close. "You're adult by legal age, yes," he presses his lips together, shaking his head. "But, you were never a kid when you were supposed to be."

I draw in a breath, breaking eye contact. "I grew up because if I didn't," I make eye contact with him. "I wouldn't have made it down here." I take a few steps forward before turning around to face him again. "I'll be back soon, El," I murmur before offering him a light smile and running off into the forest.


I go back to the cove where I trained with Miloch. He has to be there. If he isn't, then I don't know where I'll look.

My feet barely touch the ground as I sprint there, dodging and weaving through the trees, trying not to make a sound.

Finally, I come up to a small clearing where a man and a woman reside. I recognise them both.

"Orla?" I ask, coming out from behind the bushes I was hiding behind. Memories flash through my head. Being kidnapped, waking up, fighting her, her letting me go, and her admitting of her own affiliation to Ice Nation.

She stands up alongside Miloch, who I had no idea she even knew and sticks out her hand. I take it without hesitation.

She nods before looking at Miloch. They share a glance before he speaks.

"What is it you want, Hailey?" He tilts his head up.

I lick my lips and glance away, collecting myself. "The grounders are set to attack at dawn and I want to know if there is any way to avoid it."

I see Orla nod to herself, thinking. Miloch looks down and shakes his head. "No, if the information you have received is true, then you have no way out of it." He presses his lips together. "You must fight your own battles, Haelae kom Skaikru." He nods to me.

I take in a deep breath, shutting my eyes. "I know that, I do." I pinch the bridge of my nose before I begin to pace. "There's barely anyone left to fight because the sickness has everyone down for the count and..." I take in a deep breath, steadying myself. I turn to Miloch with a serious look on my face. "If we fight them tomorrow, we will lose."

"Then you lose with a warrior's honour." Orla voices with force. I turn to her with wide eyes.

"I'm not going to send what little people I have into a battle that they are going to die in!" I yell, my breathing erratic.

"You won't have to," Miloch states lowly. My gaze flicks to him. "You won't run, I know you too well," he smirks lightly. "However, you can destroy the path they take to your ship."

My eyebrows furrow. "What do you mean?"

"The bridge." He states, leaning against a rock. "You find some way to block it, blow it up, something, and you'll have time to ready your people."

"But Miloch..." Orla begins, reaching out to him. "The mountain men."

My blood runs cold. "The what?"

Her gaze turns to me. "If you do anything to the bridge, the mountain men will be angry."

"She's right," Miloch nods with a hand on her shoulder. "But it's either that or you die tomorrow."

I sigh. "Right, angry mountain men it is."

"Good luck, my friend," Miloch says with a nod, reaching his arm out. I take his forearm with a steel grip.

"I will use every last bit of information you taught me to win this war," I say in response. I turn to Orla and I see her smirk.

"As you Skaikru would say," she smiles. "Give 'em hell."




it's 2 am help

I am sleep deprived and tired but can't sleep so HERE enjoy :)

please eat and drink something, <3



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