Unity of Hell

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songs for the chapter: carry you by novo amor (on repeat)

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songs for the chapter: carry you by novo amor (on repeat)

AFTER ELLIOT AND I'S FIGHT, I joined Clarke and the others in the dropship. I was biting my nails anxiously as Clarke held Jasper's wrist, trying to find a pulse. I began to pace around the dropship when no sounds came from Clarke. "His pulse is three eighty." I closed my eyes in relief that he was still alive. In pain, but alive.

"Go back to sleep!" A delinquent called from outside the dropship. I clenched my jaw and began to rub my temples.

"Quiet!" Another delinquent called. I then took in labored breath and went outside.

"Shut up! All of you! This man is dying and we're trying to save him. Are you that heartless that you want him to die? Do you want to be like the ark, because you lot sure are acting like it!" My eye flitted to everyone in the clearing. Some came out of their tents to listen, others were already outside. "We are not on the ark, so here, every life counts. If anyone has a problem with that they answer to me." I then turned and went back into the dropship.

As I came back inside, I heard Clarke mumbling to Jasper. "Don't listen to them. You're gonna make it through this, okay? Promise." I smiled slightly. When she noticed my presence she stood up and walked over, handing me a cup. "Can you get some water for Jasper?" I nodded and left the dropship.

On the way to the river, I heard a little girl to my left. I whipped around with my sword in my hand, expecting to see her getting attacked, but she was having a nightmare. My gaze softened as I put my sword back into its sheath. I shook her awake gently, "Hey, hey, it's okay. It's just a dream." She awoke and shuffled away from me with a scared look on her face. "Shh, shhh, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." She relaxed slightly. "I'm Hailey."

"I'm Charlotte." She muttered quietly.

"What were you dreaming about? It's okay, you can tell me. I get them sometimes too." I told her softly.

"It's... my parents. They were floated and they... and I see it in my dreams and I just..." My face softened at this.

"I understand, my mom and my sister were floated too."

Her eyes widened, "Sister?"

I nodded, "Yes, I had an older sister. Her name was Arlo Riv Kane." I smiled.

"Can you tell me about her?" I shuffled next to her and sat my back up against a tree. I put my arm out, inviting her to lay her head down on my lap.

Once she did so I began. "My sister was kind. She was everything an older sister should be. I looked up to her. You know how siblings aren't allowed on the ark?" She nodded. "Well, when they found out about me and my sister, they floated my mother. My father didn't have a choice. When it came time for one of us to die. My sister offered her life. She said that she would die for me, and that's what she did. So, here I am. A 22 year old, on Earth, trying to make good on her sister's sacrifice." I looked down at Charlotte and saw that she was sound asleep. I slowly got up and placed her head underneath my jacket. I began to walk toward the river to get the water that I promised Clarke when someone stopped me.

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