xxvii. a bathroom line

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edited as of december 1st, 2020

A group of twenty seven-year-olds sat in a circle. One girl, with her blonde hair tied into piggy-tails, pulled at the strings of the rug. This girl hates everything about school: the people, the teachers, and lunch food. For them, this was the first day of the school year and not one of these kids knew each other.

The teacher, a prickly old lady who should've retired years ago, begins the day with the kids introducing themselves. The blonde girl was the sixth to be introduced and, with a brunette's luck, had the same first and last name as her.

Finally, when it came to her turn, the brown-haired girl said, "My name is Charlotte Bolton, too."

The teacher laughed. With her many teaching years, she assumed Charlotte was joking. "Now, now. What's your actual, full name?"

"It's Charlotte Mary Bolton," said Charlotte, who no longer liked this teacher.

Mrs. Poplawski hums to herself. "Do you have any nicknames? Maybe Charlie or Lottie?"


The woman nodded. "Well, I guess both of you two will have to introduce yourselves with your middle names. Charlotte Mary and Charlotte..." She looks at the blonde Charlotte to give her middle name.

"Charlotte Claire."


With a new adventure in store, this round Charlotte found herself transported into a silent, empty TARDIS from the Eleventh's era. "Whew!" She exclaims, waiting for someone to appear. "Good thing I didn't die in that explosion." Still, no one.

Realizing they were probably outside, Charlotte groaned. She needed to shower and take those braids out, but they could be done later that day. So, leaving the TARDIS, she finds herself in the storage room of a boat. Feeling the wooden boat move with the waves, she used the TARDIS to regain her balance before closing the door.

Up above, a hatch leads to the ship's deck. Unfortunately, after climbing the ladder and pushing up on it, Charlotte found it was locked. Hoping a pirate stood near it, she knocked repeatedly up on the hatch.

Just seconds later, a bearded man in 1600s pirate attire opens the hatch, only to point his sword down at her with a scowl. "Who are you?"

"Charlotte Mary Bolton," she answered out of habit, just how she has since she was seven. "Have you seen my friends?"


With everything back to normal, and once the pirate and siren adventure finishes, Charlotte takes a shower and finishes the day, not with sudden teleportation or falling asleep, but besides the printer far deep in the TARDIS library. Her album was to the side as she was ready to tape in a new picture.

CHARLOTTE ::: DW¹Where stories live. Discover now