xxxi. the crimes of aino part two

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edited as of January 4th, 2020

In the Primary Flight Deck, River was attempting to fix a teleport in the center of the room when the Doctor enters from the outside with a look of dread yet determination. "Octavian's dead so is that teleport," he tells her. "You're wasting your time. I'm going to need your communicator." Holding out his hand, River gives him her communicator.

Charlotte turns away from the light switch. Standing up straight as she moves to stand beside River while she works on the console and as the Doctor on the communicator. In moments like these, where she knew what needed to be done but didn't know how to get to that goal, Charlotte felt useless.

The communicator, while beginning overrun by static, turned on. "Hello?" called a familiar Scottish accent. "Hello!"

"Amy, is that you?" asked the Doctor.


Becoming focused, the Doctor's eyes narrow in the distance. "Where are you? Is Aino with you? And the Clerics?"

"Aino's here," Amy reassured him. "But the Clerics, they've gone. There was a light and they walked into the light. Doctor, they didn't even remember each other."

"No. They wouldn't."

River walks from the console back to the teleport. "What is that light?" she asked.

"Time running out," he answers, before saying back to Amy, "I'm sorry. I should never have left you there."

On the other end, neither Amy nor Aino seems mad. "Well, what do I do now?"

"You come to us," he replies. "Primary Flight Deck, at the other end of the forest."

"I can't see!" Amy reminded. "I can't open my eyes."

Buzzing the screwdriver at the communicator, he says, "Turn on the spot."

This time, Aino spoke up, "I'm sorry, what?"

"Just do it, alright? Turn on the spot," the Doctor tells her. "When the communicator sounds like my screwdriver, you're facing the right way. Follow the sound." When they turn to face the right sound, he continues, "You have to start moving now, there's time energy spilling out of that crack and you have to stay ahead of it."

Aino gritted her teeth. "But the Angels, Amy can't see and they're everywhere."

"I'm sorry, I really am, but the Angels can really kill you."

Sighing as they began walking down, in one hand Aino held Amy's for her not to trip, and in the other, she still carried the communicator. "What does the time energy do?"

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