vii. charlotte and the cybermen

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edited as of february 18th, 2020

The Doctor quickly used the TARDIS power cell. Pointing it to the Cyberman in front of him, a shot of golden energy hits it then bounces onto the ones surrounding it, until all the Cybermen have the same line of gold energy hitting their chest.

Giving a robotic scream, the Cybermen bent back in pain. Then, they disintegrated into gold particles, and the Doctor lowered the power cell.

Charlotte watched with wide eyes as the other Cybermen began to disintegrate next.

"What the hell was that?" Ricky asks, looking over to the Doctor.

"We'll have that instead," the Doctor remarked, before noticing a new row of Cybermen marching in the distance. "Run!"

Just as they began running away, a blue van drove up with its bright headlights on. The driver, out of the rolled-down window, stuck her head out and yelled to them, "Everybody in!"

Instead of running to the van, Pete ran in the mansion's direction, however, he was quickly held back by the Doctor.

With her feet set in the van's direction, Charlotte spotted Rose starring at the mansion. She turns around, heading straight to the blonde. As Pete and the Doctor hurried to the van, Charlotte stood beside Rose.

"You aren't her daughter!" Charlotte urgently insisted, hearing the van's driver holler to them.

"Yeah, I know." Rose looks away from the mansion being destroyed by the Cybermen and ran behind Charlotte. Jumping into the back of the van, and closed the door behind them.

"Finished chatting?" The driver said again, as she started driving off. "Never seen a slower getaway in my life!"

As they drove along, Ricky looked to the Doctor through the crossed wires blocking from the front seat. "What is that thing?" He asked, pointing to the power cell.

The Doctor, who sits on Charlotte's left, admired the power cell in the palm of his hand. "Little bit of technology from my home."

The power cell was a white crystal that looked similar to the peak of a mountain.

Mickey, sitting on the Doctor's other side, noticed how it was no longer glowing how it used to. "It's stopped glowing. Has it run out?"

"It's on a revitalizing loop," the Doctor stated, carefully placing it back in his pocket. "It'll charge back up in about four hours."

Ricky looked over disappointedly from the front. "Right. So, we don't have a weapon anymore."

"Yeah, we've got weapons." Jake, who was also sitting up in front of the wire, reminded Ricky. "Might not be one of those metal things, but they're good enough for men like him." Jake looked over to Pete with a sharp glare.

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