xii. possessed pinstripes part two

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edited as of march 24th, 2020

To say the six other people in the shuttle took the situation calmly would be a lie. Immediately after the hostess leaves the cockpit, everyone began talking over each other after overhearing Hobbes asking the Doctor how much air they had left and began shooting the man with questions. Meanwhile, Charlotte was as silent as a mouse- twisting her watch around her wrist (a habit she's grown accustomed to in the last few days)- waiting for the worst to happen.

The Doctor stands up from his seat- shushing them. "Everyone! Quiet!" He shouts, gaining their attention and finally quieting them all. "Thank you. Now, if you'd care to listen to my good friend Dee Dee."

Pushing her glasses up her nose, Dee Dee stands up from her spot, too. "Oh. Er, it's just that, well, the air's on a circular filter, so we could stay breathing for ten years." Val and Biff slump down in their seats.

"There you go," says the Doctor. "And I've spoken to the Captain. I can guarantee you everything's fine."

After the Doctor's word, two large knocks pound against the outside of the shuttle. At that, Charlotte's heart leaped out of her chest.

"What was that?" Val wonders.

Hobbes tries explaining how it is just the shuttle bus settling. "Probably not..." Charlotte muttered at the end of his bogus explanation. The Doctor, the only person who heard her, looked over at her... about to ask her to elaborate when Dee Dee gave her own idea.

"Rocks. It could just be rocks falling," she hypothesizes.

Biff looks up to the hostess. "What I want to know is how long do we have to sit here?"

More knocks erupt from the other side of the shuttle. As she stood in the aisle, Sky looked around frantically. "What is that?" She asked no one in particular.

Val looks in the direction the thump came from. "There's someone out there," she states, much to the disapproval of Hobbes.

Hobbes disregards what Val said entirely. "Now, don't be ridiculous," he responds to her. Charlotte kept quiet but rolled her eyes at his stubbornness.

Dee Dee looks back to the professor from where she stands in the aisle. "Like I said, it could be rocks."

"We're out in the open," the hostess informs, looking around the group. "Nothing could fall against the sides."

Thump, Thump. You could hear a pin drop in the shuttle after the thing bangs on the outside twice more. Along with everyone else, Charlotte had her head pointed from where the knocks came- the back of the bus.

"Knock, knock," says the Doctor.

While Charlotte could practically hear her heart pound in her chest, Jethro adds, "Who's there?"

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