xxvi. charlotte versus rattigan part two

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edited as of November 29th, 2020

To Charlotte eavesdropping on someone's phone conversation was rude, but in their case, waiting in the TARDIS for any word on what to do, she found her moral compass was left on Earth. Unfortunately, she found Wilf and Sylvia had no idea either. After that phone call, which she was hoping would cause her or Donna to have an epiphany and create a plan, Charlotte laid on the jump seat and looked up at the ceiling.

The TARDIS' ceiling had a way of making one feel lonelier than they are. It rose high above you and rounded out to meet the wall. It echoed voices and is assumed to be untouched. The view down from that high, Charlotte thinks, will make one seem like an ant.

Charlotte crosses her arms over her chest and lets out a deep breath. In this life, it is a necessity to stick out a few days with no sleep, but looking up at the ceiling in the silence... it was enough to make her eyelids heavy and the tension to leave her body.

Sitting on the steps leading to the halls, Donna looks back at Charlotte, only to see her asleep and letting out light snores on the jumpseat. Donna turns back, setting her chin in the palm of her hand.

Charlotte's eyes struggle to open when someone's ringtone begins beeping, only to quickly realize it's her phone. Taking the phone out of her jacket, she sits up and answers with no regard for the number being unknown while Donna rushes from the stairs to listen in.

"Hello? Is this the Doctor?" Charlotte immediately asked the person

On the other end, the Doctor relaxed, getting worried she wasn't going to answer. "It's me. Are you on the TARDIS with Donna?"

"Yeah," said Charlotte before Donna took the phone.

"Where are you?" She immediately questioned him. "What's happened?"

"Still on Earth," he answered. "But don't worry, I've got my secret weapon."

"What's that?"


Donna rolls her eyes. "Somehow that doesn't make me happy. Can't you just zap us down to Earth with that remote thing?"

Groaning, the Doctor admits he didn't have a remote. "I really should," he concedes, "but I need you on that ship. That's why I made them move the TARDIS." Pausing, they could tell he was going to say something unfortunate. "I'm sorry, but you've got to go outside."

"For the love of God..." whispered Charlotte, rubbing her eyebrows. She re-takes the phone and puts forward, "are you sure there is no other option, at all?"

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