xviii. another ghost story part two

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edited as of april 15th, 2020

The Sneed parlor was dimly lit as everyone sat around a round table. Sitting in between Dickens and Gwyneth, Charlotte looked over to the woman on her left as she began speaking. "This is how Madam Mortlock summons those from the Land of Mists," Gwyneth tells them. "Down in Mid Town. Come. We must all join hands."

With a shake of his head, Charles stood up from his spot. "I can't take part in this," he said.

"Humbug?" replied the Doctor, "Come on, open mind."

"This is precisely the sort of cheap mummery I try to un-mask. Seances? Nothing but tambourines and a squeezebox concealed between the knees. This girl knows nothing."

"Now, don't antagonize her." The Doctor grins, looking over at Rose. "I love a happy medium."

As Charlotte rolled her eyes, Rose shook her head with a smile. "I can't believe you just said that."

"Come on, we might need you," the Doctor tells Charles. Begrudgingly, he sits back down and takes hold of Charlotte and Rose's outstretched hands. "Good man. Now, Gwyneth. Reach out."

Gwyneth takes in a deep breath before beginning. "Speak to us. Are you there? Spirits? Come. Speak to us that we may relieve your burden." Gwyneth raises her head to the ceiling as quiet, murmuring voices filled the room.

"Can you hear that?" Asked Rose in a whisper.

"Nothing can happen," Charles denied again. "This is sheer folly."

"Look at her." Rose nods her head over at Gwyneth, who still looks up to the ceiling.

"I see them. I feel them!" The blue, gaseous beings began to fill the room, but their mumblings were still unclear.

"What're they saying?" Rose questioned.

"They can't get through the rift." The Doctor looks back at Gwyneth. "Gwyneth, it's not controlling you, you're controlling it. Now look deep. Allow them through."

"I can't!"

Charlotte looks away from the gas and looked straight at her. "Yes, you can. We have faith in you, Gwyneth. Just make the link."

Closing her eyes, Gwyneth continues to look up as she tried to create the link. Then, she lowered her head and opened up her eyes. "Yes." Suddenly, three blue figures made of the gas appear behind her; the Gelth. In shock, Charles' mouth was agape.

"Great God!" Exclaimed Sneed. "Spirits from the other side."

"The other side of the universe," the Doctor added.

The Gelth, with Gwyneth, began speaking in childlike voices, "Pity us. Pity the Gelth. There is so little time, help us."

"What do you want us to do?"

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