xli. mary and john

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edited as of march 6th, 2021

Five Days Ago |

The Doctor and Martha, without Charlotte this time, ran into the sparking TARDIS, frantically closing the door behind themselves. Quickly running from the door, the Doctor turns to Martha, looking at her in the eye as he asks her, "Did they see you?"

"I don't know!" she exclaimed.

He asks her again: "Did they see you?"

"I don't know, I was too busy running!"

"Martha, it's important..." If you listened hard enough, you could hear the Family running. "Did they see your face?"

She shook her head. "No, they couldn't have!"

The Doctor moves away, rushing to the console. "Off we go!" he shouted as the TARDIS shot off, only to have a series of warning alarms to go off in the flight. Running around the console, the Doctor looks to the screen just to groan from the symbols displayed. "They're following us," he fills Martha in, circling the console.

Martha was holding on for dear life when she got the news. "How can they do that, you've got a time machine."

"Stolen technology," he answers, "they've got a Time Agent's vortex manipulator. They can follow us wherever we go, right across the universe..." The Doctor pauses with a realization. "They're never going to stop." Pacing around the console, he ran a hand through his hair, looking around the room. "Unless...." he whispers. "... I'll have to do it." He looked back to Martha. "Martha, you trust me don't you?"

"Of course I do," she replies easily.

"'Cause, it all depends on you." Finishing his sentence, he kneels below the console, scrounging through compartments to find what he was looking for; a golden pocket watch with thin designs.

"What does-" Martha blinks from seeing what he grabbed. "What am I supposed to do?"

Holding the watch in the air, he spoke to her carefully, not wanting her to forget any bit of it. "Take this watch, 'cause my life depends on it. The watch, Martha, this watch is me."

Handing the watch to her, Martha watched as he ran back to the console. "Right... Okay, gotcha," says Martha before shaking her head. "No, wait! Completely lost!"

"Those creatures are hunters, they can sniff out anyone- and me being a Time Lord, well, I'm unique," he tells her. "They can track me down across the whole of time and space."

Martha gave a nervous laugh. "And the good news is?"

"They can smell me, they haven't seen me," he says. "And their life's bound to be running out, so, we hide, wait for them to die."

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