xliii. charlotte and aino

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edited as of march 13th, 2021

"Make your decision, Mr. Smith," Jenny orders the teacher, her gun still pointed at Martha's head.

Baines, keeping John glued in his spot with the gun pointed at him, smirks. "Perhaps if that human heart breaks, the Time Lord will emerge." A second later, the Family hears a whisper from the other end of the room and faces each other. "It's him!" exclaims Baines.

Using the distraction to her advantage, Charlotte rips her arm out of Clarke's loosening grip, turning to punch his nose. As he groans, bringing his hand to his throbbing nose, Charlotte takes the gun out of his hand, pointing it to him.

Meanwhile, Martha did something similar with Jenny. "One more move and I shoot," she warns Baines.

"Oh, the maid is full of fire!"

Charlotte groans. "Can you just give up?"

"Careful, Son of Mine," Clarke tells Baines, remaining calm despite the gun pointed to his head. "This is all for you so that you can live forever."

Narrowing his eyes, the boy shouts at Martha, "I'll shoot you down!"

"Do it and you'll both die together with your dad," Charlotte warns him.

Baines still has his smirk written across his face. "Would you really pull the trigger?" he questions Martha. "Looks too scared."

"Scared and holding a gun." She shrugs. "It's a good combination. You wanna risk it?"

Baines grits his teeth, looking back to the terrified John, before lowering his gun. Relieved nothing wrong happened, Charlotte kicked Clarke's shins (just in case), and went to stand beside John.

"Mary, Doctor, get everyone out," Martha tells them. "There's a door at the side. It's over there. Go on!"

Seeing John standing indecisively, Charlotte pulled him with her, beginning to usher out the screaming civilians. Spotting one of his students, Latimer, John quickly ushered him out amongst the others.

"And you. Go on. Just shift," says Martha.

Charlotte looks over to her friend, not keen on leaving her alone again. "Alright, and what about you?"

"I'll be fine," she told her. Martha looks to John. "Mr. Smith, I think you should escort your lady friend to safety, don't you?" she questioned him, causing Charlotte to scrunch her nose. At that, both Mary and John run out of the village hall.

"... Don't touch me!" exclaimed Latimer when John was giving him a message for the headmaster. "You're as bad as them!" Before he could reply, Latimer ran off.

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