xxxvii. the salvaged memory

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edited as of january 24, 2021

In agony, the Doctor puts a hand on the shoulder Clara punched. "Ow!" he exclaimed in pain. "Okay, so we're not hugging, I get that now."

"What do you keep in here?!" Clara questioned him in disbelief of what she just had to run from. "Why have you got zombie creatures? Good guys do not have zombie creatures." She punched his other shoulder. "Basic storytelling!"

Not sure whose side she was on, Charlotte crossed her arms. "Can we not in front of the guests?"

Clara waves to Tricky. "Who are they?"

"Friend one-" she points to Tricky. "And that's Gregor. He just doesn't want to kill us."

Gregor held back an eye-roll. "All right, all right, a deal's a deal. You got her back. Now cancel the self-destruct."

Charlotte gave an awkward laugh. "You see, the funny thing is..." her thought drifts off as she can't seem to admit the lie to the two. "-er, Doctor?"

"There is no self-destruct," he admitted with a grin, giving Gregor a friendly punch, who scowled at him. "Hey! Hey! Hey! It wasn't my idea."

Charlotte, with a plastered smile, said through her teeth, "Seriously?"

"Okay, well, maybe if you boys knew proper TARDIS codes you'd know Code Cyan was to be called only when we land her on the last Dodo bird." His nose scrunched, thinking of that day.

Giving a sharp exhale, Charlotte said, "Well, my bad I don't know proper TARDIS codes."

"Nothing wrong with that! I call Code Reds all the time, haven't even had a Code Red in years." The Doctor, beaming, looks around at the group. "We had you going, boys, didn't we?" He rubbed the angry Gregor's head. "Did the ol' wiggly-button trick. And she had her face. You know the save-her-or-we-all-die one." The Doctor tried to recreate it but didn't fully capture Charlotte's essence. "Gives me chills every time."

Charlotte tried three times to create words. "I thought I rushed it..."

"So you're telling us we're safe?" said Tricky.

"Ish," the Doctor answered. "Apart from the monsters and the TARDIS reinventing the architecture every five minutes. Guys, don't worry, the countdown's fake. Give me a few seconds, I'll turn it off." At the console, he flipped a switch. "Ah," he said when looking to the screen and the TARDIS alarm began blaring. "That's not good. Okay, don't panic, or maybe panic."

Clara looked over at him. "Something you want to share with the rest of us?"

"It appears the engine is damaged," he told them with a grimace. "We're in proper trouble this time. It needs fixing or we're toast." With them following behind him, the Doctor runs to the room's lower level.

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