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edited as of april 2nd, 2020

There was no question to this statement: the Bolton Family are some of the best people on the neighborhood block. There are the fathers, Morgan and Greg, a college professor of history and the latter a physical education teacher at the nearby school.

Next was Gina, who kept her past surname Thomas- and was adopted at nine-years-old along with her sister at six, Charlotte.

Charlotte loved her family more than anything else. When Gina got pregnant in secondary school, she organized the baby shower and invited as many she could. Then, while she was in university for a degree in philosophy, she met Ian James.

Ian was as handsome as a model and made Charlotte's universe speed up when she first met him- attempting to give him the directions to Room 102. Instead of saying the directions (which she could recite perfectly), Charlotte walked him to the room.

After a hard breakup with Jessie Westbrooke, a stunning woman with dark brown hair like Charlotte's, he was looking for anything to distract him from the constant memories of his ex-girlfriend. And she was exactly the distraction he needed.

That was only the beginning of Charlotte and Ian. After college, they'll both move to Ian's home country- the United States. The short, brunette woman had to quit her dream of becoming a lawyer and got a job at the nearby mall.

At times, Ian would have to stay at work late, and Charlotte would get takeout- these times would become more and more as time progressed. As she ate the takeout, she would video chat with Gina and her lovely niece, Eliza.

Typically, Gina would sit with Eliza on her lap quiet- letting the young girl talk circles on the new Harry Potter movie and typically the new Doctor Who episode.

It was one night, once she closing the computer after a long chat with them both, Charlotte realized how late it was with no text or calls from her boyfriend. Not having worked the next day, she turns on the TV to Netflix.

She flipped through every show and movie before deciding what to watch... the same show Eliza has been begging her to watch for weeks but never has.

Lounging back into the couch, eating her Chinese takeout, the twenty-six-year-old had low expectations for Doctor Who despite the love for the show from both her niece and the people around her growing up.


It has been a year since she decided to watch the first episode, and only four months since the ninth season came to a close. But not a thought of her favorite show was on Charlotte's mind now.

Keeping a tight grip in the crook of her father's elbow, she felt a hundred pins poke on her body as the music started. Wearing a basic, yet classy, white dress the bride knew very well something was wrong.

Morgan began leading his shaking daughter down the aisle, believing she was just nervous. But, in reality, she was in pain... as she felt something churn in her stomach and felt it become hotter by the second.

Walking past the rows, Charlotte looked around at her family; Gina's mascara was dripping down her face and when Greg caught side of his oldest daughter his mouth hanged open, much like every other member.

Seeing their expressions, Charlotte looked down at herself... watching as she slowly turned from transparent and in a snap she left her wedding with a hiss of pain.

For the next month, Charlotte Bolton was the part of every news story and made headlines every day. Close family members and Ian were all interviewed, and during Morgan's interview, it was noted how he wouldn't let go of the elbow his daughter famously held onto during the disappearance.


**** I do not own any recognizable characters, plots, or lines. The idea of time-jumping, as you may know, is a Doctor Who FanFiction cliche and has been done by numerous authors long before my time. The only characters I own are Charlotte and her family, that's it. I got this idea after reading many, many other amazing fanfics so some similarities may appear if I was careless enough to add them on accident (which I hope not)

I hope you have as good of a time reading this as I did writing it <3

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status: work in progress

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