Chapter 25

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Draco and I hadn't spoken for two weeks. He was still dating Pansy , and I was still "dating" Acton.

Umbridge had made class more miserable each day. She threw detentions left and right at any student , all the time.

I sat at the Great Hall , Acton sitting next to me as I took a bite of my food. "I think he's looking," I whispered to Acton's , motioning my head in Draco's direction.

Acton didn't bother to look to where Draco sat and instead made his eyes over to where Amelia Belle sat at the Ravenclaw table. I noticed the sudden spark in his eyes.

"Does somebody here have a little crush?" I joked , immediately interested in what Acton had to say next.

"What?" he scoffed defensively. "No!" He shoved my shoulder sarcastically as he took a bite of his food.

"Amelia Belle," I repeated. "You two would make a good couple you know?" Acton rolled his eyes at the comment. "shut up."

As dinner began to end , I started away from the table , giving Acton a quick goodbye. "I'll see you later," I smiled as Acton nodded.

I started back to the Slytherin common room , when I felt as if somebody was following me. I was one of the last students to leave the Great Hall , so would have followed me out?

I turned down the corridor , the breeze flowing past me. Suddenly , a cold hand grabbed my wrist causing me to stop in my tracks. I recognized the hand almost immediately.

"Kimmie-" Draco started but I cut him off , not wanting to hear what he had to say. "Don't Kimmie me," I spat , walking away.

Draco ran up to me and grabbed my wrist again. "Wait," he pleaded as he gave me a condoling look.

"What?" I hissed.

At this point , I expected Draco to apologize, but of course I was wrong. The boy was unpredictable. "I wanted to say, I don't think Acton is a very good fit for you."

My jaw dropped as the words left his mouth. "What?" I snapped, not believing how petty the boy was. "You don't get to tell me who is and isn't good for me?"

Draco began to speak before I cut him off. "You don't get it?" I yelled at him , tears under my eyes. "You really don't , do you?"

Draco stood silent , unsure what he would say. "I don't like Acton!" I admitted , breaking the silence. "I never did. I like you Draco. But you're obviously too blind to see that."

I dropped my wrist away from his hand as I walked away from Draco , leaving him standing alone in the empty corridor.

This time Draco didn't go after me. I didn't look back at him but I could tell he watched me walk away , until he couldn't see me anymore.

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