Chapter 66

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60 years later :

I was supposed to die. And I mean, it was long overdue. Everybody else I knew had.

My best friend Sarah had and when she did, my life felt incomplete without my other half. She died years ago , almost 15 years now but never less , Jason helped me get through it.

But then the pain reopened again when he died. And I felt the same mourning I had felt with Sarah.

I sat helpless on the hospital bed , as doctors from the hallway walked by in a hurry outside in the hallway.

It was almost midnight and the stars were twinkling above the sky outside my window as the starlight brought away the beauty of the night sky.

A shooting star shot by as I smiled. I always loved the stars. And I still did, they brought back memories of how Jason and I met.

I then furrowed my eyebrows at what I saw next.

It appeared to be a shadow like figure in the stars of the shape of a girl and a boy. Only the boy looked familiar and the girl looked like me.

I attempted to sit up, but couldn't as I was too old and weak to even try. I didn't know if I was going crazy or not, but the shadow reminded me of long ago.

I then instantly remembered of Sarah. Memories went flashing by as I sat sobbing in a dorm room.

Was I going crazy?

I was too old to remember. I couldn't tell the difference between memories or scenarios that my mind made up due to my age.

I closed my eyes slowly. Suddenly memory after memory flashed by. Pictures of an oddly familiar blonde were shown countless times.

"I think I love you."


"I'm sorry."



"Does someone have a crush on me?"


"Welcome to Hogwarts."

"I love you."

"I'll miss this place."

Instantly my eyes opened by themselves as I panted breathlessly , my hands sweating crazy as I remembered.

It was him. It was the universe trying to send me a message to shift back to him.

I needed to shift back , I needed to see him.

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