Chapter 21

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Draco and I practically spent everyday of Summer break together. We grew closer by the days and I wasn't complaining.

Soon before I knew it , fifth year had arrived. Summer had ended and I was back at King's cross , wishing my parents a goodbye.

I walked through the crowd of children , wishing their goodbyes to their parents. It was overwhelming with all the noise and chaos occurring around me.

I managed to finally get myself on the train through all the chaos and began searching for Sarah. Blonde hair , brown eyes , pale skin. She stood out in crowds so I couldn't understand why it was so difficult for me to find her.

I walked up alongside the aisle. Instantly I spotted the platinum blonde boy , sitting with Pansy and Blaise. I approached the trio , not shinning any attention to Pansy.

Draco had chosen his seat next to Pansy , and quite frankly that was strange considering he never wanted to sit with her but I brushed it off knowing he had no interest in the girl , according to what he told me over the Summer.

"Have any of you seen Sarah?" I questioned , getting my friends attention. "I can't seem to find her."

"Sarah?" Blaise repeated as I nodded my head.

"She's right over there," Pansy sneered , pointing her finger to where Sarah stood.

I turned around to see Sarah sitting next to Hermione. She was also sitting with Ron and Harry.

"Pathetic Hufflepuff.!Sitting with pathetic Gryffindors," Pansy spat.

Draco instantly chimed in. "I wouldn't say that if I were you," Draco warned. I smiled at the thought of Draco defending me , before I realized he wasn't done with his sentence."-Kimmie might over react."

Pansy snickered. "Good one Dracy," Pansy spoke , smiling up at him.

What had gotten into Draco? We're the two of us back to square one?

"Dracy?" I choked , gagging on the idea of the name. "Yup. Dracy," Pansy spoke confidently. "Draco and I are-" Pansy was cut off by Draco. "Dating," Draco finished. "Pansy and I are dating. Again."

My mouth dropped at the news. Noway was Draco serious , especially after everything he told me this Summer , especially after everything we did together this Summer.

"I have somewhere to be," I managed to get out as I exited the compartment quickly , not looking back. I could feel my face burning as I found my way to Sarah's compartment.

I took a seat next to Harry who instantly realized something was wrong. "Everything alright?" he concernedly asked me. "Draco's an idiot is what's wrong," I huffed.

Ron's attention was immediately grabbed by the insult I just gave about Draco. "Finally you're seeing that."

"He's dating Pansy," I explained. "And Draco's open to date whoever he wants. I don't care about that. I don't even care that he's dating Pansy. I'm just mad at the fact that Draco lead me on all summer making me think that there was something between us when there was clearly nothing."

Harry gave me a sympathetic look. "Malfoy's always been like this. I hate to tell you , but you should've saw this coming.

"But I didn't," I huffed. "And it's like Draco purposely tried to hurt my feelings. I know he knew I liked him , and I thought he felt the same but now I know the truth."

Harry placed a comforting arm on my shoulder as my eyes wandered over to the window. I spent the ride silent , processing Pansy and Draco's reunion.

As we arrived to the castle , I had noticed Draco and Pansy. They were walking together. I scoffed at the sight of them as I pushed past them. They were holding hands.

I approached the castle with Sarah as we parted ways when we entered the Great Hall. I glanced over at Draco before finding a seat far away from him.

I found an open spot by a fifth year , sitting alone. As I sat next to him , his attention quickly diverted to me.

"What?" I spat , not wanting the brunette boy to stare.

"You're Kimberly right?" He asked confused of why I was randomly sitting next to him.

I gave him a strange look , not wanting to put up with the boy. I didn't mean to be rude , but I wasn't in the mood for chit-chatting.

"Aren't you going to ask what my name is?" The boy spoke proudly. I rolled my eyes at the question. "Why would I want to know your name?" I sneered back , diverting my attention away from him.

"If you're not going to ask , I guess I'll say it anyways," the boy scoffed. "Shoot for it," I answered , not caring what his name was.

"Acton Atkinson," the boy spoke, proudly. "I'm positive you've heard that name somewhere before."

I hated his confidence , he got on my nerves.
"Well actually , I have not. I mean this in a kind way , please shut up"

The boy looked surprised at what I just said , as he turned the other way, I could tell Draco was watching me. I felt his eyes burning into me. I honestly hoped he saw me talking to the boy , hoping he would be jealous.

"I also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," I heard Dumbledore continue , as I turned his way , being able to listen to him.

A new professor for Defense Against The Dark Arts? I wondered who it could be this time , considering professors were always seeming to switch up.

"Professor Dolores Umbridge," Dumbledore continued , motioning his hand over to where the lady sat. "And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing Professor good luck."

Students broke out into whispers over the news over the new professor. Dumbledore continued talking over the students. "As usual our caretaker, has asked me to remind you-" Dumbledore was cut off by the professor's voice.

The woman was dressed head to toe in pure pink. It was eye bleeding. Was this really what she called style?

"Thank you headmaster , for those kind words of welcome," Umbridge smiled , shooing Dumbledore away.

Her voice was high and whiney. It matched the description of finger nails on a chalkboard. "And how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me."

I looked around the Great Hall. I couldn't spot a single person , let alone a teacher who was smiling.

"I'm sure we're all going to be , very , good , friends," the woman continued , pausing between each word. "The ministry of magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be a vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved , affect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be prohibited."

The woman let out a small giggle as her face formed a small smirk. I didn't have a very good feeling with her. She gave off bad energy, but I brushed it off , figuring it was just me overthinking again.

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