Chapter 06 | Meatloaf

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Chapter Six

"Lilac", August beamed engulfing me in a bear hug wile I sent my mate a glare. What the hell is he doing here? "Augie why didn't you tell me your back I missed you", I genuinely said to my brother.

"Hey I'm Braylon" my mate said and held out his hand for me which I stared blankly at. "Lilac this is my friend form the Boot camp alpha Braylon from the Black Hurricane pack, its rude to not great him back", my brother said and I shoke his hand. Freaking tingles. I looked at Braylon and I could see he was fighting with his wolf I begged him not to say anything.

"Alpha", I said. Great only I would be mated to an alpha whose pack is rivals to mine? It's not that I didn't want a mate. I was just confused. "I have to go see Riley", I pulled my hand away. "I just got home Lilac and you're already leaving", he said.

This wasn't supposed to happen like this. For months I've been depressed missing my brother and now that he's back, I've got a mate to deal with and I'm just honestly scared. I'm not ready for my whole life to just change. "I'll see you for dinner, dads having it at the pack house anyway and I've just got to go Auggie", I said.

"Are you okay Lils", he said. "I'm fine really I'm happy your back but I've really got to talk to riley, it was nice to meet your friend". I said and didn't allow him to say anything else before I ran to my car and drove to the pack house.


"You what?" Riley said after I told her about the whole running away from my mate thing.

"That's not all Rils turns out his the Alpha of the Black Hurricane Pack", I said.

"He's your mate that shouldn't matter that the packs have been out to get each other since before our parents' parents were born. Its honestly like Romeo and Juliet", she said.

"Why do people always chose to forget how that story ended", I said.

"That's beside the point Lils they were so in love and you and your mate are going to be so in love I can just sense it", she said.

"Oh! So you're and oracle now", I said before stuffing my face with chips.

"Lilac will you stop eating this once", Riley said. "I eat when I'm confused Riley you know this", I said.

"Yah and when your sad or happy or stressed or relax its all you really do if it wasn't for our fast metabolism trust me you'd be worse than fatty patty", she said.

"I just don't know what to do Rils, I'm just so confused", I said placing the bag down by her nightstand.

"Is this because of Trey", she asked and tears streamed down my face. In all the drama I'd forgotten about all that.

"Oh honey don't cry, you've got your mate now it's going to be okay", she said. "It's not that Rils, its trey's been my Best friend since forever and I didn't even notice when we'd lost that bond.

I was jealous of Nessa but not like that. I wanted him to be happy, I always will but I just lost my him for no good reason he just gave me up what if he does the same what if my mate rejects me", I cried on her shoulder.

"Look at me lilac he wouldn't do such a thing it looks like your rejecting him right now, you keep running give him a chance okay and if he does reject you we'll deal with that idiot my way", she said and played with her fists in a punching motion and I sobbed out a chuckled laugh.

"Well finally you realize that I've been in I don't know fifth place behind, trey, Charlie, Lottie and August I even think your mum and dad are up there before me", Riley said.

"Is that how you actually feel my goddess I'm a horrible person if I made you feel like you're not on my priority list cause trust me Riley you're way up there.

You're the first person I'd trust with something like this even though Trey and I were still friends. You're important to me, you know that right", I said.

"I know and yah you're my horrible person", she said and hugged me.

"Do you think my mate we'll love me Lilac", she said. "No doubt", I said.

"Lilac, riley it's time for dinner everybody else is already here", my mum said to the both of us through the pack link.

"What are you going to do about Braylon", she said as she helped me clean up my sobbing mess of a face.

"I guess I'll give this mate thing a chance now come on I had the mums made meatloaf", I said and we raised downstairs.

Just as we reached the bottom, riley stumbled and bumped into to August. She looked utterly frightened.

Riley's always had a little secret crush on my brother and I'd just started laughing when I saw his eyes turn pitch black and he growled out, "Mate".

Riley instantly backed away and shifted into Wilder before running out of the pack house. August also shifted into his wolf, hurricane and followed.

I shifted into honey and chased after my best friend and brother with Braylon's wolf right behind me.

Here I thought we going to have a normal delicious meaty dinner but no. I really hope mum saves me some. That meatloaf is to die for.

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