Chapter 19 | Cookies

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Chapter Nineteen

🍪Lilac's P.O.V🍪

"I know what you all are, you know" my mouth flew open when Charlie said those words as he sat dangerously close to me by the bond fire. I looked around for any sort of help but we were all alone. Let me fast rewind that for you.

Arriving at the Silver Storm pack house, I received a lot of congratulatory regards from several pack members who I smiled sweetly at before running to Riley's old room where she was getting ready for the party from. Riley, being the amazingly slow sloth she is, took forever to get ready.

"What do you think of this one" she asked for the a hundredth time. "You wore that exact same dress ten outfits ago!" I yell throwing my hands in the air before groaning and body slapping myself into the bed I'd a thousand sleepovers in before.

"It was a different colour with different shoes and....." I stopped her before she described every inch of sequence in and a pattern that made this outfit different or special or unique from the four hundred twenty eight she's tried on in one evening.

"August aka your Alpha aka your boyfriend aka your mate isn't even going to there if I was you and make myself as comfortable as possible", I said.

"I look good for me excuse you", Riley retorted, "Great now that you looked fucking perfect can we go before me mate convinces himself hers changed his mind and drugs me back home", I said sitting up and urging her to get a freaking move on it.

"Yah okay, I'm perfect let's go", Riley said and we made our way downstairs.

"Don't you two look lovely", mum said. "I think...", August started but I cut him off already knowing this was going to trail back into Riley either staying or delaying. "Nope, not ruining my night hold it down with chains and ice if you have too", I said in a warning tone.

"Fine", August huffed before cheekily throwing riley onto his shoulder and making a run for it. "Auggie bring her back", I yelled but all that replied was giggles, loud footsteps and laughter as the horny mates raced away, "We'll join you later" that bitch Riley said.

Moments like this I really hate that I love the whore.

"...Congratulations Lilac", Dad said ending his long speech as we all finished our dinner. I said a quick "thank you" to everyone before I excused myself to look for my so called best friend. I don't do speeches.

Riley missed dinner to fuck. The Silver Storm Pack is doomed with those two as Alpha and Luna and figures she came downstairs wearing a different outfit!

"Are y'all ready" a chipper Noni asked immediately I opened the door to leave the pack house. "Yap let's go", Riley answered. Noni was wearing a short tight glittery gold mini skirt yet she still managed to look cute not slutty as she topped it with a gorgeous red and gold floral cropped hoodie with the word 'ATE' written on it in gold letters.

"Ate?" I question. "Oh yah right... Babe", she called out and Banner walked to us wearing dark wash jeans and his football jacket onto of a hoodie that matched Noni's that said 'GLAD U' as he motioned to himself and Noni.

"Glad - U - Ate sounds a lot like..." I said racking my head about their outfits. "Graduate", they both chipped. "If we stop for you two to explain your outfits to everyone ever two minutes we'll never make it", Tesoro said in the passenger seat of a very familiar yellow jeep.

"Maddie", I cheered running towards it and taking a seat, "I fucking love this car", I squealed... "Who doesn't" Noni said as she and Tesoro sat up front with Noni driving and Banner sat in the back in the middle Riley and I.

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