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Once Willow was done with her splint, she got her crutch and went into the living area where her parents were sitting. “We need to talk to you about something Willow” said Cindy, “yes mom” answered Willow. “We know that you want to be near you sisters and brothers but how do you feel about coming back to Morristown” asked Jeff, “to be honestly dad I haven’t thought about it” answered Willow. Cindy and Jeff looked each other, “can I ask you a question Willow” asked Katie, Willow nodded her head “where do you see yourself living when you thought of coming back home” asked Katie. “I never thought I would come home but I am glad I have came home, I need to think about but whoever I decided to live with I will only live with them for a couple of months” answered Willow. “Why” asked Perry, “I want to be able to live my life without the military and that means getting my own place, learning my business and to be able to get to know my self again” Willow explained. Everyone looked at Willow and nodded their heads, Willow was sitting next to Katie and Perry and opposite Jeffery and Tobin.

They kept talking until it was dinner time, they were going out to eat today they decided on Ma Mansion, once everyone was ready, they went into the lobby and waited for Christen and an Uber so everyone could have a drink. Once everyone was ready and they then got an Uber to the restaurant and they had a meal as a family. Willow laughed and joked with her family although the meal, Willow felt relaxed at last.
Once they had enough family time they headed back to the hotel and went to their rooms and they all fell asleep.

Willow went to sleep and only woke up to a knock and Willow looked at the clock and saw it was 10.30am. Willow got her crutch and went and opened the door she saw it was Tobin and Christen she let them in. Willow then turned to them “make yourself at home I am going to get a shower and get ready for the day” explained Willow. Willow then got ready for the day. Once Willow was ready she sat next to tobin and layed her head on Tibin shoulder, Willow was still tired. “So we wanted to ask you something” said Tobin, “okay” answered Willow, “mom and dad dont know this but how would you feel about living with us and we will help you get your life back to normal and plus we playing north carolina 3 times before the next camp” expalined Tobin. Willow looked like she was comptelating this she then looked at christen “are you okay with this” Willow asked Christen, “it was my idea I know your parents want you to go back with them but we want you to think about what you want to do, you have just gotten out of the army you need to be by people that you know and I know that your parents are in Morristown and I dont want to get involved but when we were shopping I saw that you were happy and I havent seen that smile since. I know I am marrying tobin and Willow as her sister I want you to be happy, just think about it” expressed Christen. Willow leaned back into the sofa, Willow was thinking it would be further away from Jessica but it would mean spending time her sister and her new sister in law, Willow was leaning towards staying with her sister. “I am leaning towards staying with you the only downside is I would be further away from Jess but nothing a phone cant fix and I think I need to be with you two because you are the only two who arent hovering” explained Willow.

Willow had thought about where she wanted to live for a couple of months before she got her own place. The Heaths all got dinner in the hotel tonight, “I have decided who I want to live with but before I say who, I want to know that this is temporary until I get my own place. I want to live with Christen and Tobin” said Willow. Cindy and Jeff was shocked they hoped Willow would come home to them but that isnt happening at the minute. “Why” asked Cindy, “because mom they let me be and dont question everything I am doing, I need to be around people who will let me explore the side of civilain life and wont try to tell me what to do. I love you and Dad but I need to be able to be my own person, and being with Tobin and Christen will help me do that Mom” explained Willow. They then ate there dinner quietly

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