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Jessica messaged Tobin back that she would be around in about 15 minutes, Willow was now getting nervous they didnt have any plans with there parents or siblings until tomorrow. After 15 minutes Willow was sitting on Tobin and christen bed fidling with her crutch. Willow hand was in a brace but she could move her hand, her leg she had to keep mostly straight. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door, Tobin went and answered it, on the other side of the door was Jessica. Tobin invited her in, once Willow set her eyes on her she was gobsmacked, how pretty she looked. "Jessica have you meet my sister Willow" said Tobin. Willow stood up and held out her hand to shake Jessica's "nice to meet you Jessica" said Willow.

Tobin and Christen left the room and said they would be next door in Willows room. Willow and Jessica talked about their family, about willows time in the army and jessicas road to football success. Once Willow got the courage "could I ask you something" said Willow "yes but before you do just so you know I am bisexual" explained Jessica "if you dont have a partner I would love if you come on a date with me" asked Willow, " I would love that" responded Jessica. "Tomorrow 7pm okay" asked Willow, "yes that is lovely I am room 360" said Jessica. They then wrapped it up and Willow watched Jessica walk to her room, when jessica got to her room she looked at Willow and sent her a wink and then disappeared to her room.

Willow the picked up Tobins room key and went next door to her room and knocked on the door, she didnt have to wait to long until Tobin opened the door, Willow walked in the door and sat on the Sofa next to Christen. Tobin looked at Christen, "so Christen since your my sister's finacee how would you like to come out with me and Ery and Pa tomorrow because I need to pick a suit and I need to update my phone and get some other things" explained Willow. Christen looked shocked "yes I would like that" answered Christen. Tobin, Christen and Willow chatted until there was a knock on the door, Willow poked Tobin with her crutch to go and answer the door which she did with a grump on her.

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