Chapter 64: Elle

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Content warning: This chapter contains mature content.

September 4

Loon Call Island, Lake Rosseau, Muskoka

We're heading back to school in four days, and Greyson is still refusing to see me. He's been temperamental, moody, distant, angry. He seems to be more focused on pushing people away than facing his grief.

I'm sitting on the end of Theo's dock, waiting to see if Ryan can convince him to come down and see me. I'm losing patience and hope that I can get through to him.

Gone is the sad, broken girl from the other night. After I'd finally let the feelings I'd been holding in all summer out, I'd woken up feeling a thousand pounds lighter. My heart was still aching from the loss of my friend, but somehow, his letter and the release of everything I'd been holding in had put me back on track in my mission. Even if I'm a bit of a coward at this moment.

When Ryan walks down from the boathouse suite, he shakes his head at me. Greyson's been locked in there for nearly five days since Liam's funeral.

He drops down beside me and puts his arm around my shoulder. I lean into him, sighing. "Thanks for checking, Ryan. I don't know what to do, I can't get through to him. I need to get him to see me. Do you know if he at least read the letter?"

When he shakes his head, I look away from his sad eyes. He hadn't wanted to talk after reading his own letter from Liam, so I don't push.

"He won't even talk to me. He threw me out in ten seconds flat the other night when I tried to bring him something to eat."

We sit quietly for a long time. My mind races over the events of the past few days.

I'm too nervous to go upstairs again, I'm actually a little frightened of Greyson right now. Last time I'd tried to push my way through, to force him to talk to me, he'd thrown me over his shoulder and dumped me in a heap in my boat before storming back upstairs, slamming the door in my face, effectively shutting me out, sliding a chair under the only door to block it. I'd pushed at the door until he'd yelled at me, startling me into shocked silence.

He's never treated me like that before and to be honest, it's shaken my confidence enough that I've asked Ryan and Theo to check on him instead these past two days. Apparently, things aren't going any better for them, either.

I wish Brodie were here. He's always been able to get through to Greyson. I called him two days ago, in tears of frustration and helplessness. He's planning to come home from school this weekend, but until then, I'm on my own. Even Greyson's parents aren't getting involved.

It had been a near disaster when Joy and Hugh had tried to get through to Greyson. He'd totally trashed his cabin, breaking anything that wasn't too heavy to throw, then shoving past his parents before coming to stay with Theo.

Hudson is planning to pick me up after lunch, so I'm stuck sitting on the end of the dock with Ryan unless I can get through to Greyson. Theo's sitting outside the door to the loft in case Greyson opens up.

Eventually, Ryan sighs, dangling the key to the door from his fingers. "Elle, someone needs to get him to talk, to see if he's eating. God knows he's been drinking. If we can get you in there, I can lock you in until you tell me you want to come out. I'll stay by the door with Theo."

I look over at him, biting my lip. "Do you think that's a good idea?"

Ryan looks over at me, "No, I'm sure it's a terrible idea actually, but it's the only thing we haven't tried. The next step is for me to get his mom involved, which he'll hate me for."

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