Chapter 35: Elle

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July 25

Loon Call Island, Lake Rosseau, Muskoka

Pinching my phone between my ear and shoulder, I pull the covers over my head, creating a small, fort-like tent in my bed.

"Hold on, Vi, I'm just getting comfy."

I turn on my small booklight under the covers and smile, sound travels so clearly up here, I want to make sure this conversation stays between Vi and I.

"Where was I?"

"Um, right at the part where you were telling me you went to Theo for advice on hooking up, instead of calling your best girl."

Laughing, I struggle to apologize between giggles. "I'm sorry, Vi, he was there, and he has more in common with Greyson than you do. Plus he's got all the same, well, parts and stuff. I figured it would be good to go to the source."

"God, what was his reaction?" Her snickers make me smile.

"Well, he said not to tell anyone, but you don't count. It's like the bestie code so you're exempt. But, he was very very informative. I think he should take over teaching sex ed at Beaton. Honestly, short of making me an anatomically correct diagram, he basically walked me through everything. I mean everything. The girls would go wild."

"I so wish I had been there. Tell me everything, immediately."

I close my eyes against the tug of embarrassment. If I can't talk about this stuff with Vi, how will I ever work my way up towards talking about it with Greyson? Let alone even coming close to trying any of the things Theo suggested.

"He said he likes it when girls use their hands, mouths and feet, well, there. Feet, Vi! I thought I was going to die when he said that. Especially since Hudson was practically cuddling my foot at the time, snoring away, blissfully unaware of my total mortification and embarrassment."

Even though it feels weird to talk about all of this over the phone, I close my eyes, trying to picture her curled up under the blankets with me. Vi's laughter is contagious and neither of us is able to speak for a few minutes.

Her giggles subside, "Theo is so kinky. I always hear my sister's friends talking about him, like he's some kind of prize stallion. No limits, they say, he'll try anything, and I mean anything, once. He's not one to return to the same girl, though, or so the rumor mill goes."

"He's just restless, I think. Filling a void, without getting too close. I wish you'd been there, by the end of the conversation, we were going through his favorite positions for foreplay as he called it. The best for the girls, then the best for the guys. He was way better than a Cosmo magazine, but I get the idea it's all a big game for him, like he challenges himself to be extra inventive, just for the wow-factor."

Theo is the most open person I know when it comes to sex. He never seems embarrassed, never feels shame about his actions, or even cares what anyone thinks for that matter. He goes in eyes wide open, honest about his intentions. Take it or leave it.

I suppose it had been a bit of a shock when I'd asked him for advice, but after the initial surprise, he'd settled right back into it.

I walk Vi through the conversation I had with Theo, pausing to giggle when her shocked gasps filled the silence. I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one who was a little shocked.

I wish I could have a fraction of Theo's confidence, his nonchalance. On the other hand, there's also a sweet, vulnerable side to him that not many people get to see. He's the biggest softie I know, and lately, when given the choice to hang with Hudson and me curled up on the sofa, or head out to chase girls, he normally picks Hudson and me.

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