Chapter 58: Greyson

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Content warning: This chapter contains mature content.

August 18

Loon Call Island, Lake Rosseau, Muskoka

Twisted into a pretzel, tangled with Theo and Elle, I struggle to maintain my balance on the trampoline as it rocks in the small waves.

Steph, deciding she's too dignified to play with us, spins the wheel again. When she calls, "Left foot on blue," I groan.

I watch as Elle gracefully twists her body, bending and flexing her way into some contortionist position and sticking the landing, spread across three of the four colours.

Tess is also holding her own, but Theo and I both wobble precariously as the waves hit the trampoline.

Hudson's barely managing to keep his big toe onto the blue dot and I know it's only a matter of time before the male species represented here bite it.

The twister mats spread across the trampoline, tethered with bungee cords, are wet and slippery, we're all still covered in soapsuds from the Slip 'N Slide we've been launching off of the dock from.

Music pumps out and I watch Elle's chest rise and fall from her arched position on the mat. God, I can't wait to get my hands on her later, especially after the little show she'd inadvertently given me earlier. Plus the way she bends and twists now gives me ideas, ideas I know I shouldn't be having.

The sight of her perfect breasts had nearly stopped my heart. It had been worth losing the super soaker war to Hud for another glimpse of her perfection.

Feeling her pressed against my bare chest had nearly led me to toss her over my shoulder and drag her back to her cabin, but I'd managed to restrain myself there. We'd had an audience after all, and Brodie surely would have kicked my ass. He already has his concerns about us, I can see it in the evaluating looks he gives me, the curious frowns he sends in my direction every time I touch her.

I know he gets it; After all, he's with my sister, who, generally speaking, is just about as soft as Elle, just as sweet, only with a protective shell around her that Elle hasn't ever needed to develop. I can only hope it stays that way. I know that he, if no one else, he is on my side, even knowing how much he loves Elle, it's our connection that's been the strongest.

When Steph giggles, calling out "Right hand on red," I flop to the floor of the trampoline, giving up. My arms and legs are shaking, still not fully recovered from my workout from the other night. My muscles are screaming from the tight stretches I've forced them into tonight. I don't know how Elle does it. She's into all that yoga crap though, always going to the club on Saturday mornings for the classes through the year, it's harder than it looks, that's for sure.

On the upside, watching her has pictures flashing through my brain that have no business being there, but I enjoy them nonetheless.

Theo taps out as well, wincing as he stands. I feel slightly mollified to know he's also in a bit of pain. Diving off the trampoline, I float on my back and watch Elle compete with Hudson for the last round. When Steph calls "Left foot to yellow," I grin. There is no way Hud makes that from his currently awkward position. He's bent upside down in this bridge pose, his legs already crossed. Sure enough, Elle manages to swing one leg forward and over to yellow, but Hud slips on the wet tarp and hits the trampoline with a bounce.

Elle flops down on top of him as he rolls into her, knocking her down. She giggles accepting a high five, before he pushes her off the side, into the water. She surfaces, sputtering. "You're such a sore loser, Hudson." I laugh as she sticks her tongue out at him.

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