Chapter 39: Elle

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July 30

Loon Call Island, Lake Rosseau, Muskoka

"Happy birthday Ellie! Ohmygod! I love you and will always celebrate the day you came into this world, but I hate that your birthday is in the summer, I can never be there to celebrate with you."

I can practically hear the pout in Vi's voice.

"Honestly, Vi, I couldn't imagine a better start to my birthday. Hunter brought blueberry muffins to work, Hud skied by with a massive bunch of balloons, his entire team singing happy birthday. Mum made my favorite dinner, the maple glazed salmon you like, and we gorged on Nanaimo bars. Now, I'm waiting for Greyson to pick me up and talking to you. I can practically imagine you're here with me."

"Good. Now, since I'm there, pretend I'm pulling out that sexy, navy backless sundress you love, but are too chicken to wear. Change into it before Grey gets there."

Laughing, I do as she says, laying it on the bed and stripping. I bite my lip, though hesitating.

"Stop biting your lip, Ellie. You'll look stunning. A best friend knows these things."

"I'm putting you on speaker, so I can change."

I slide into my sexy sundress, with a criss-cross back, this one in navy blue. It stops a few inches above my knees, leaving my entire back nearly bare but offers a relatively modest neckline, spanning across my collar bones. The sides plunge low down my ribs though. It's at least lined in the front, so it's easier for me to skip a bra. It feels sexy, but still a little scandalous.

"So, did Diana and Linc spoil you rotten for your sixteenth?"

"Yes, but they do it every year. They can't help it. Mum and Dad picked out the most perfect pearl studs for me. They're to die for, and I'm dying to wear them, but can't tonight because we'll probably swim and use the hot tub."

Vi sighs, "Oh, I bet they're beautiful. Your mom has the best taste."

That she does. My mum never has a hair out of place and is perfectly polished all the time. I used to sit in her wardrobe, watching her pick her outfits, trying clothes on with her when she was in a more playful mood.

"Anyway, Vi, tell me about Gretta and Sofi, are you still riding every day? Are you still dating the hottie, Dante?"

I touch up my makeup while she tells me all about her riding adventures with her pony Gretta. I reapply just a touch of tinted moisturizer to my sun-kissed skin, mascara, and lipstick, adding my favorite rose and vanilla perfume. Over the days spent outside, a small dusting of freckles is visible across the bridge of my nose. I don't cover them up, I've become rather fond of them.

"But, Dante is officially old news. I gave it one last try, but that whole camping overly woodsy bro vibe got old. I'm seeing someone named Mats, now. He's just started studying at KTH here, he's going to be an engineer or something."

"What type of engineer?"

"Does it matter? I'm moving home in a few weeks, so it's just a fling."

Laughing, I shake my head, continuing to touch up the loose curls in my hair as she tells me story after story of her family and their adventures.

I've missed the sound of her voice so much.

"Anyway, that's pretty much all my interesting news. Now, I want to hear your news."

I smile over the abrupt shift, Vi isn't the most patient person in the world. "Well, you'll be happy to know Hudson's managed to get me water skiing. On the regular." I giggle, remembering Hudson's infinite patience and encouragement, even though I knew he wanted to pull his hair out by the end of it.

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