Chapter 15: Greyson

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June 25

Loon Call Island, Lake Rosseau, Muskoka

Hovering in that sweet spot between dreams and reality as you wake up is one of my favourite moments. Especially when I can feel Elle's warm, soft body pressed to mine.

I'm distracted only slightly by the constant buzzing of my phone. I slap my hand down on it to silence the device, so I can savour the feeling of Elle sleeping next to me.

I probably shouldn't have let myself convince her to let me stay overnight. But, here we are. I need to sneak back to my cottage before her family wakes up, then swing by again to get her for work. It's worth it though, to have these small, quiet moments with her.

Kissing her forehead, I slide my hand down her side, brushing my fingertips over the soft, bare skin of her ribs exposed by her skimpy silky pajamas. Her eyes fly open and she blinks several times rapidly. Elle usually goes from fully asleep to fully alert, which I find amusing, like her brain forgot it shut down for a little while.

I kiss her good morning, scattering kisses across her cheek, down her neck before returning to lips. I speak against them as she sighs, "I'm going to head home, it's still early. I'll pick you up in a couple of hours for work, okay?"

"Okay." Elle snuggles into me, wrapping her arms around my ribs and all I want to do is stay, but I kiss her once more and slide from the bed, untangling myself from her grip before dressing quickly and letting myself out.

With a groan, she slides out of the bed and follows me. I watch her head down to the dock for her morning swim as I walk back through the dense forest. Part of me wishes I could go with her. But, I'll see her soon enough.

Later, when we're at work, I'm distracted by Elle. I find myself watching every move she makes, smiling when she does, laughing when I hear her joyful shrieks of laughter as Hunter teases her.

I feel a pang of jealousy when Hunter snatches her fresh popsicle, stealing large bites for himself, laughing as she tries to jump up to grab it back. She ends up clinging to his back, and he reaches the popsicle back over his shoulder, offering her a bite, only to snatch it back at the last minute when her mouth is centimeters away.

Elle pulls his hair, wrapping tighter around him until she manages to get his arm close enough to take a big bite. I laugh when I hear her complain of brain freeze, dropping down and pressing the heel of her hand to her forehead. Hunter laughs and rubs her shoulder in sympathy, gobbling up the rest of her popsicle without remorse.

I fill a boat with gas, keeping up a casual conversation with the family that's come in, and my phone buzzes in my pocket. I don't need to see the ID message pop up to know it's Chiara, again.

Chiara won't stop texting and calling me. I've deleted her messages without reading them and dodged her calls for nearly a week. I don't know how to make it clearer to her that I don't have any interest in picking up our friendship again. Even if Elle weren't in the picture, I'd feel the same way.

I glance over at Elle, again, and see she's scooping ice cream for a group of kids, laughing as they beg to taste the different flavours.

Her cheeks are flushed with enjoyment as she hands the kids their tasting spoons, marvelling at their exclamations that the flavors they're trying are the best in the world.

She's been my anchor these past weeks, and she doesn't even know it. Her bottomless supply of happiness, laughter, and love keeping my head above water through my tough weekly visits with Liam and the aftermath of my grief and stress over the unfairness of it all. She'll be coming with me tomorrow and I'm equal parts relieved and apprehensive.

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