Chapter 21

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Eventually, I fall forward, into Finnicks open arms, who pulls me close, cradling me against him like a baby. My body doesn't listen to me. When I try to get up, my knees buckle and I am back on the ground.

"They were supposed to be safe. They...they are just children", I mumble as Finnick picks me up. I know he says something but my mind plays tricks on me. Imagining pictures of the sounds I heard and I just sob louder into his shoulder. He lowers me down slowly and I am engulfed by soft waves. Finnick pulls me against his chest once more as we sit in the surf.

"He didn't hurt them. He can't", he says softly.

"He can. We both know that it is not below his dignity."

"They are victors. And everybody loves the children."

"We were victors too. And now we are tributes. It doesn't mean anything", I say as my hands shake.

"It was made. From interviews, from the reaping recordings. It doesn't hurt them, only you."

"You don't understand, they are supposed to be safe. If I can't protect them, how can I possibly protect anybody", I mumble and Finnick turns my head, making me look at him.

"They are safe. And you are great at protecting. Protecting Gloss, and me and Katniss and Beetee. You are helping and protecting all the time darling."

I nod slowly and he presses his lips to my forehead.

Katniss seems to be recovering and discussing theories with Peeta and Beetee.

"What do you think Talisa?", she asks me and I shrug.

"They have a point."
"Guys. They love the little girls. If they were to hurt them Snow would have an uprising in the Capitol on his hands", Johanna explains, "wouldn't want that now would we?!"

She then leaves to get water and Katniss looks at her as if she was crazy.

We have nothing to do so Finnick goes fishing and I dive for shells.

We set up camp and dusk arrives.

"Beetee, I wanna see your back. Just to see the stitches."

I check Beetees back while Katniss prepares the fish Finnick caught and he weaves more bowls. Johanna fills them up.

Beetees back seems fine. Colour returned to the flesh and there is less swelling. I look for some more aloe vera and put it on his back, covering it once more. I also look at my bite, but it has started to heal up.

Then there are the faces and I resume my position by Finnicks side.

Cashmere, Wiress, Mags, the morphling, Blight, the man from 10.

That leaves us, Gloss, Enobaria and Brutus, Silas and Chaff.

Chaff is the only one alive who has no allies.

"I don't think we need to worry about the Careers. Both Brutus and Silas are injured. And we have five almost uninjured fighters. And Chaff is alone. We should be good until they decide it's getting too boring."
The others agree with me and then a parachute with bread sets down in front of us.

Finnick is very meticulous about the number of buns and I raise my eyebrow at him, he just shrugs.

I take my share and carefully watch the interactions. Johanna hates Katniss a little less and as we march over to the 11 o'clock beach the younger girl and Beetee talk. I don't know how she plans on killing us, but if she continues like that she might not be able to.

"Johanna, you should get some sleep. Beetee you too. I can watch", I say, but the star crossed lovers take over and we all lay down, sand sticking to my hair and my body. Finnick lays down left to me and Johanna to my right.

Twenty minutes later Johanna pokes my shoulder.

"So, you two. Something happened, right? You finally show"

"We will probably die anyway, so why hide? I mean we...we were supposed to get married and now"


"Yeah, I mean we both knew that it would never happen. But it was an irrational hope. Still is. That maybe we get to be together. That maybe there is a life after death."

"Well, we can only hope that we deserve it", she says and then turns over. I snuggle up to Finnick. Still asleep he pulls me close, his breath slightly tickling my neck. I sigh and look at the couple that is sitting at the beach, kissing. Smiling, I close my eyes.

I wake up when arms squeeze me tightly and Finnick mumbles my name as well as Annies in his sleep. I wiggle around so that I can face him. I stroke his hair, whisper soothing words and give him a kiss on the temple. His eyes flutter open slowly and tears reflect the moonlight. He doesn't say anything, just looks at me with big, sad eyes.

"I'm gonna get up. Please sleep, okay?", he mumbles and I nod.

"Okay. Wake me if you need me."

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