Chapter XIIII

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Once in the train and finished with waving, my team swarms me.

"Where were you?!" "What are you wearing?!" "Where is your dress?!" and "What on earth were you thinking?!", are only a few of the questions I am bombarded with.

"I went swimming, involuntarily and then Finnick offered me some of his clothes so I didn't have to come back here half naked or drenched. The dress is at his place. I was for once thinking nothing and having fun. Arrest me for that if you want", I answer in quick succession. Keatons jaw drops. "You left the dress in District 4?!", he exclaims, before giving me a disappointed look and leaving. Now only my mentors stand in front of me. "You just have to break every single rule there is, don't you?", Silas sighs.

"I didn't know there was a rule about going swimming", I protested.

"There isn't one. But there is one about victors contact with each other. Only during official events and not in each other's homes unless one is from the same District."

"Well somebody should have told me that!"

"How are we supposed to know that you would run away with Odair?"

"I didn't run away with him know what, whatever. I can't turn events back now. I will find a cover story and everything will be fine. It won't happen again"

They seem to be halfway satisfied and let me go to my room. I feel kind of bad about leaving the dress, I am sure Keaton put a lot of work into it. So I take one of my drawings and write an apology note on the back. With the button on a remote lying on the small bedside table I call Penelope and ask her to please deliver it to Keaton.

Sleepiness hits me and my dreams are once again plagued by headless girls and wolves and ice.

The rest of the Districts on the tour flys by. District 3,once again a dark blue dress. District 2 a golden dress that is mostly sheer, except for once again a small bralette and a miniskirt underneath the sheer fabric. District 1, also went by smoothly, even though the female victor that accompanied this years event didn't seem to like me. My dress here was made entirely out of small black gems, that clung to my body until they spread out around my feet forming a small train. Somehow it held on my body, even though it was off shoulder. This time there were no cutouts, no cleavage, nothing. But it was still very sexy since it was like a second skin. It had long sleeves and the combs that pulled my slicked hair back were decorated with the same gems.

I don't know how he wants to top that for the Capitol party, but I am sure Keaton will find a way.

In the evening I settle into bed and fall asleep quickly, since I haven't slept the previous two nights. This night snow and white and cold is all I see and all I feel and when I sit up with a jerk I feel sick. I throw back the covers and storm into the bathroom, fall to my knees and vomit, barley getting my hair out of the way. My arms rest on the cool porcellan and it takes about 20min for me to stop retching and trembling. I lean back against the wall and sigh. There is no reason for me to go back to bed, so I wash out my mouth and put on sweatpants, then pull out a soft blue pullover. With one of the books I took with me in hand I go back to the end of the train, like every night. And like every night, Penelope brings me warm tea and now also some biscuits.

Breakfast is normal, except that I don't eat anything. Today I have the interview and the final party, so the team is already very stressed, but we arrive in the Capitol just after breakfast and have enough time to get me to look presentable.

The interview outfit is somewhat simple. A green dress with a low back, the edges of the back have some gems sewn into them, but otherwise it is very plain. My make-up reflects that plainess. Green eyeliner and glittery eyeshadow, nude lipstick and a bit of blush is all there is. I suspect it is to make a more dramatic impact with my evening outfit.

After the usual small talk, compliments and revisiting of each of the speeches, Caesar asks the question I saw coming.

"Well, Talisa. I think there is a question we've been asking ourselves...What happened with Finnick Odair?" The crowd cheers and I chuckle.

"I am afraid that it is not the answer all of you are waiting for...", I play a little with the people's curiosity. "Oh come on. We are curious!", Caesar explains.

"Did you ever eat lobster Caesar?", I question and he looks at me confused. I am not going to tell the stupid wasabi story, but go with the lobster instead, because that story explains the outfit change the best.

"Yes. I did."

"Well, before the dinner in District 4 I never had lobster and lets just say, the lobster and I weren't the best of friends"

Caesar laughs. "And why is that?"

" I...well, I didn't know how to cut it, so it just kind of flopped onto me and ruined my entire dress. Finnick was kind enough to offer me something else to wear. So no steamy romance, sorry..."

"Well, I am certain that many boys out there are happy to hear that!", Caesar says and the crowd goes absolutely wild. Just that I don't have any interest in them.

"Well, my dear, I am looking forward to seeing you at the Gala tonight!"

"And I am so honored to be meeting my sponsors", I finish.

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