Chapter XXXXVI

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I wash the sheets and pack up the medication, return the books and disinfect the table. Then I sit down in front of the fireplace and sigh deeply.

I think back to my conversation with Haymitch. The country will go to shit if things continue like this. And the Districts will get the worst of it if there is no big masterplan from some gods or supernatural beings. The Quell will be bad, that is for sure. Some of our theories are that they will reap victors children, or only young children, maybe send in mothers or elders. It's only about 4 days until the big announcement. And Katniss' big dressing session is on as well, but nobody cares about that here.

And I think about Finnick again and then I cry. I cry and pass out on the seat while small sparks rise from the fire as one of the logs collapses on the other.

Two days and a few more cries later a message pops up on my tablet. I am wanted in the Capitol. I had truly hoped that they would leave me alone. That Snow would give up after having nobody else to kill in my life. But my old motto seems true once more. Hope breeds eternal misery.

That evening I stand on the platform and wait for my train. Why on earth they send me at night is a mystery, but I am not complaining. Less Capitol citizens that pass out when they see me, want autographs or expect that I chat with them.

But as the train arrives my mood is brightened because Penelope awaits me inside.

"What are you doing here? I mean not that I am complaining, I missed you, but usually, I would spend this time alone."

She scribbles something on her pad.

Victors aren't allowed to travel unsupervised. There is a Peacekeeper here as well. I am supposed to report back to our supervisors who I believe stands in direct contact with Snow

I nod and she crumbles up the paper and throws it out of the window which reminds me of our first real talk. Well, what you could regard as talk.

Penelope readies the bed while I shower and then braids my hair, which has gotten even longer and is getting way too hard to manage.

"You know what? Lets cut it just a little bit. It's annoying me."

Said and done. My hair is now again reaching my mid-back, no longer my butt and is easier to braid. My blonde friend sets out a glass of water and a book, then leaves the room after a short wave and smile. I don't feel nauseous when I wake up in cold sweat that night, dreaming about being cut open by Snow and others who laugh viciously while I bleed out. But I do feel unsafe and nervous about what awaits me in the Capitol. I distract myself by reading the book Penelope placed on my nightstand. Something about a redhead girl and demons. This book must be hard to come by since it is just scraping by the allowed reading material. But of course, smart heads in the Capitol need good storylines, while people in the Districts often learn the basics of reading but don't get any encouragement to learn more once they start working, so many just can't read by the time they worked for 2 years. And the general public in the Capitol is not interested in higher reading matter.

By 6 am I arrive in the Capitol and am greeted by my usual driver, who looks at me with a concerned look. He must have driven me to the hospital or at least called an ambulance when I was bleeding out in the lobby.

I am driven to the victors building as usual and enter. The Avox is smiling at me and holds out my keycard.

I settle in my room, looking at the sunrise with the book Penelope gave me in hand before the tablet makes the all too familiar sound.

I have another photoshoot and then a meeting with Snow. Just great. What does he want to do? Threaten random people in my District to make me a prostitute?

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