Chater 12

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On the 12th floor

"What was she doing here?", Katniss asks as she enters the living room.

"She...", Haymitch says, "still is a good friend and simply spent some time with us."

"I don't like her, she is friends with some of the careers. We can't trust her."

Peeta speaks up. "I like her."

"You like her?", Katniss asks incredulously.

"Yes. She is honest and kind. She likes to draw."

"You would trust her because she likes to draw?!"

"Not only that. She was very open towards me and told me that she poses no threat."

Katniss shakes her head.

"And you trust her word?"

Haymitch speaks up. "I do. And you should too. She is going to be your ally in there. No objections."

Katniss wants to protest once more but this time Cinna speaks up.

"Katniss. Haymitch knows this girl and I got to know her once too. She is a good one and I believe that you two would get along."

Effie nods along.

"She is the best fighter I know. She will help you survive. Both of you", Haymitch concludes with a meaningful look in his eyes.

Katniss throws her hands up.

"Fine. But if she turns into a killing machine, like in her last games and we are her victims... it's on you."

"Katniss!", Effie exclaims and Peeta looks at her, almost disappointed.

"You talked to her, didn't you? You seemed to be comfortable. How can you say something like that?"

Katniss rolls her eyes, but deep inside she knows she said something wrong. Not only because everybody, including Cinna and Portia, shot her disapproving looks.

On the 9th floor

After dinner we settle in front of the TV, waiting for our scores. Dinner was chattier than usually. Mariann talked more, but it just reminded me of Theresa. Keaton distracted me, talking about new ridiculous fashion trends.

The scores are somewhat predictable. High scores for the Careers, Finnick and Johanna. Mags and Beetee, as well as Wiress, get mediocre scores.

Silas face appears on the screen, together with the number 7.

"Talisa Moreno, with a score of...11"

I smile. A high score is something good for me, but then I see Peeta and Katniss scores. "Well shit", I grumble. I did tell Peeta to get a mediocre score, but no. Well, it seems like my job protecting them will be harder than I thought.

That night I stand on the roof, not having slept a single second. I did write letters though. To Theresa and Daniel, even to Mike. Telling them how much they mean to me and that they made my life better. I write to Mike that my death will not be his fault and that I just want him to make sure that the kids remember me. My hands grip the railing, my knuckles turning white, my soft green pyjamas billowing in the warm wind.

The door opens and closes behind me. A pair of arms are slung around my waist.

I lean my head against Finnicks shoulder, breathing in his scent. Saltwater and Sandalwood.

"I thought I was ready to die. But it always changes. I want you to live, but then I remember Theresa and Daniel and I want to live, which is impossible. I also promised Haymitch to be allies with his team. I don't know what to do."
His embrace tightens.

"We will figure it out. Okay? Step by step."

I nod.

"Well, my beloved fiance, how do you want to spend the night?", he asks.

I shrug. "With you."

So we do. We sit down on the ground and Finnick plays with my hair, I sketch a little on the small notepad. I think about my hair once again. If it is wet in the arena it would get very heavy, people could pull at it and that would, of course, be a huge disadvantage. I would have to braid it tightly regularly and I don't have that time.

"What are you thinking about?", Finnick asks.

"Just...the arena. What do you think it will be? Woodlands? Ice? A maze?"

"I don't know. But I know we can do it if we work together. I am worried about the interviews. What we are supposed to say?"

"I don't know", I mumble, "probably make them want to stop the games. I mean all of us are pissed, so I would say that everybody will show that, one way or another."

"Let's go back, we have a long day tomorrow and I would guess a whole lot of crying from our teams", he mumbles and presses a kiss to my temple.

Hand in hand we walk to the elevator, but the ride is short and so is the good night kiss.

The next morning I get to sleep in. Not that I do. I wake up around the same time as always, order hot chocolate and some cookies, looking out of the windows as the sun rises. My hair is tangled and shining in the orange light. I will cut it off, I am sure of it now. Too long, too bright, too annoying. Now I just have to convince my prep team. Might have to scare them into doing it.

Mariann knocks and I get up, don't bother changing out of my pajamas and join them at the breakfast table.

"So, this day we won't spend a lot of time preparing you. Say whatever you feel is right. Make-up and everything starts after lunch, you've got free time until then. I would advise you to think about your interview and relax. Eat, gather strength. Tomorrow you are in the games. You will need it."
I pace in my room, pacing and thinking about what to say. I could yell at them, which wouldn't do much or I could just say nothing. But then I wouldn't be good with the sponsors, which I need if I want to get Finnick to live.

I ignore the knocks calling me for lunch and yell into the pillow in frustration. Then eat some soup and bread, before my prep team collects me.

They shave me and bathe me, make me sparkle golden in the light. They paint my nails red when I speak up.

"I want you to cut my hair."

"Oh we would have given it a trim anyways", Venita says and I shake my head.

"No. Not trim. Cut. To my shoulders."

"Darling we can't..."

"I don't care. You will. Or I will do it myself. And I have never done this before which means it will look terrible."

They let out a collective shriek.

"Okay, okay. Your crown will hold like that anyways. Please just slightly over your shoulder?", Maddox pleads.

"Do what you want, as long as they are short."

And they actually do it. My now shoulder length and curled hair is also glowing golden because of the amount of glitter they put onto it. My make-up is lighter than usual, but I still am wearing the classic red lip.

"Off to Keaton you go", Clarize says, a tear running down her cheek. Maddox and Venita look sad as well.

"We will miss you darling"

I nod and exit the room, walking to the small room across the hall in which Keaton awaits.

"We want drama, we want wow. Of course, we have guidelines, quite strict ones for you. But I tried my best to make you the showstopper."
The dress was black. And it was almost the same dress I wore during my coronation. The lace cut-outs have been replaced by small rows of black diamonds. The neckline is now a deep V and the leg slit is still as high as ever, but the two sides are again connected by diamonds. The shoes are blood red. And then there is the crown resting on the table. Black with red gems. I will look like a dark queen.

"Come on, let's eat and then we have to hurry and get you in the car in 30 minutes."

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