Chapter 6

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The elevator arrives on the ground floor of the remake centre and I step outside, holding up my dress because I can barely walk in it.

I look around the area and spot Johanna who is talking to Seeder and her district partner.

I don't see Finnick just yet so I walk over to her.

"Little T!", she exclaims and hugs me.

"I missed you", I mumble.

"I missed you too. Although this isn't the way I wanted to meet you again. Nice outfit", she says and I grin at hers.

She rolls her eyes. "Very creative I know. But yours is not much better."

"Yeah, the coverage really is amazing don't you think?", I chuckle.

"Look at that, the girl on fire", Johanna says and motions over to the District 12 carriage where Katniss stands alone.

"Well, she certainly has adopted the whole mood into her look."

"Yeah, I mean shitty as it is for us, she has it two years in a row", Seeder adds.

"I know. But to be honest, it's her actions that started this and now we are in this together. And Snow will not make a mistake this time. If we don't fight he will make sure the arena kills us", I say and start smiling when I see Finnick who is now talking to Katniss. I didn't see him enter and eye him now. His outfit is almost non-existent, which makes it almost similar to mine.

"Well, I am going to introduce myself. See you guys later", I explain and walk over, my heels not clicking against the floor after I trained because it annoyed the shit out of me every time I had to wear the torture devices.

"Unfortunately, I think that is true", I hear Finnick say.

"Now, now. Don't scare the girl darling", I chuckle and Finnick swirls around, pulling me close, lifting me off the ground.

"I missed you so much."
"I missed you too. But let me introduce myself please"

He lets go and I face Katniss.

"Hi Katniss, I'm Talisa, but I am sure you know that. Excuse Finnick here, he is a little eccentric from time to time. I love your dress."

Katniss seems conflicted.

"Thank you. But I would guess anything covering is better than yours?"

My eyebrows rise up. "True. Now, I would say sorry about the wedding, but we both know that that doesn't bother you", I say bluntly and look around.

"Ah, there is the person who does care. Hey Peeta", I smile and hold out my hand for him to take.


"Well I am afraid I have other people to greet, but I would love to see more of you during training", I say and walk away, linking my arm with Finnick's.

"What did you say?", I ask him as we stroll towards the District 1 chariot, feeling Katniss eyes on me.

"Oh I just offered her a sugar cube and asked her for all her secrets", he shrugs and I laugh.

We have a short chat with Gloss and Cashmere, but I can tell the Cashmere is distancing herself. Gone is the smile and the cheeky comments, she actually is rather cold.

The music starts and we walk to our chariots, Finnick helps me get onto mine by lifting me up because the dress would have never allowed me to make such a big step.

"Don't fall off", he grins and then joins Mags in his chariot.

Silas steps up next to me, wearing golden pants and a sheer vest top, similar to my dress's cape.

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