Chapter 20

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We are a big group now. Seven people, five fighters. Left are probably the Careers and then Silas or Chaff or one of the others. At some point we will need to split up. But for now I am fine with the big group, because the Careers are in a big group as well. And while we are evenly numbered and Gloss promised not to kill me, the other Careers won't hesitate. And I can always be sure that someone has Finnick's back if I can't.

Johanna joins me as we walk over the narrow strip of land.

"So Little T, how are you holding up?"

"Fine so far. Almost died a few times, but that's nothing new is it?"

She smiles.

"I'm sorry about Mags."
"She wouldn't have made it anyways. So better a quick death than bleeding out or being mauled by a monkey."

"True. I noticed you copied my hair", she teases and I chuckle.

"It annoyed me and would have been a real pain in the ass, so I got my prep team to cut it."

"Oh they must have cried at that"

I laugh. "They did."
Once at the Cornucopia, Wiress cleans the spool singing, Katniss talks about canaries and Peeta draws in the sand. I look around for useful weapons and take another dagger and a new bow. I change the bandage on my leg and pack up the first aid kit in the parachute and tie it to my belt.

"So. Where are we staying? Fog and Monkey and Waves are out of option. But I do like the beach. So which one?"

We discuss our options and decide on the twelve o'clock beach when I notice the silence, just a second after me Katniss does and also sees that Gloss, who is dripping wet behind Wiress, just slit her throat. Cashmere next to him and the District two Careers not far behind and beside them stands Silas.

I knock Katniss' bow out of the way as she shoots at Gloss and Johannas axe hits Cashmere.

I do however throw one of my knives at Brutus and it buries itself into his shoulder, disabling his right arm. It is his throwing arm. Gloss was smart enough to dive away and not engage in the fight further, because with Cashmere's gone and Brutus disabled and that way they don't really stand a chance. And then there is Silas, who is fixated on Finnick, machete in hand and Finnick is already injured. I take my second knife and aim. It buries itself in his leg. And I ready my bow, aiming at his upper body this time. Our eyes lock and he seems to remember what I told him, so he dives away as I release the arrow which now only hits his lower arm.

With the others I follow after Enobaria and Brutus who run away over the strip of land behind the Cornucopia. But as we round the golden horn the ground jerks away below us and we are flung into the sand. Johanna lands half on top of me and we skid towards the water as the centrifugal powers come into effect. We dig our hands and feet into the sand to stop us from flinging into the water. The bodies roll off the land and I remember how Wiress held the spool and how important it was to Beetee. Now we either have to dive for it or get it from her dead hands. But for now I just try not to get thrown into the dangerous current that with no doubt has formed around the spinning island. I have to close my eyes because the sand is whirling around and hitting my skin that will now not only be grey-green but also red from the small grains.

Finally the island comes to a halt and I get up looking around for Wiress body who floats in one of the segments. And the wire is in her hands.

I rid myself of my weapons and push them in Johannas hands, then dive into the water and swim as fast as I can towards her body while the hovercraft is letting down the claws to pick her up. I arrive at her body only a few seconds before and try to pry the spool from her fingers while treading water. I have to break them eventually and with the spool on my stomach, I slowly swim to the others using one arm to move backwards and one to hold the wire into place that is no longer covered in blood.

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