chapter thirty-one

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Mostly everything in my life was going good. The cafe had been running for two weeks now and the amount of customers we were getting was incredible. I'd made friends with Jack and Cho, both of them being extremely nice and funny and Hugh was overly happy with how well I worked in the kitchen. So, so far, everything in the cafe was going well.

The only thing not going well was the apartment situation. All of the apartments I'd been to were either too small, too expensive or too far away from the cafe. I hadn't found a single one I'd liked and so I was still crashing at Molly's and Niall's. I hadn't expected to be living with them for this long and the endless cries of Ellie was only making me want to find an apartment sooner.

Annoyingly for me, I couldn't just go and sleep over at Harry's when I got no sleep. At least I hadn't tried because I really didn't want to. He'd been spotted with Kendall three more times since the first, but that didn't mean they weren't seeing each other away from the paparazzi.

I'd been ignoring all of Harry's calls and texts since our encounter. I knew I was being childish and I probably shouldn't be ignoring him, but every time I went to answer his call or reply to his endless amount of messages, thoughts of him being with Kendall as he was calling or messaging filled my mind.

"You know, you can always crash at mine if you want" Cho said to me as she continued cutting up some peppers. 

"I know, I think I might end up having to do that soon because I have a feeling my constant present may not be wanted as much at Niall's and Molly's" I replied, which was true. 

I could tell that Molly and Niall had also not expected for me to stay this long, but both of them were to kind to say anything. And whenever I brought it up, Molly would always tell me it's fine and would bring up the promise we made to each other ten years ago, 'We'll always be there for one another, even if they are an annoying bitch'.

"Or she could actually work out this Harry situation" Jack said, appearing behind me with dishes in his hand that he placed in the sink. He turned to face me, leaning against the sink and crossing his arms over his chest. "You should just answer him and-"

"And you should get to work on cleaning those dishes" I said, cutting him off and pointing to the pile of dirty dishes he'd just placed in the sink. Jack gave an unamused look, obviously from not wanting to clean the dishes. "Jack I'm still you're boss" I reminded him, making him turn around and begin the dishes.

"Well I agree with Jack" Cho said as I went back to seasoning the eggs I'd just made. 

"Well I don't. Harry's obviously happy with Kendall and-"

"Em, have you not thought about how they could be friends" Jack cut in, still washing the dishes. 

"Friends don't kiss" I replied, looking down to the eggs that were now finished. 

"There weren't actually pictures of them kissing. That could just be some rumour that a fan made up" Cho said, making me let out a scoff. 

"Doubt it" I replied, adding a pinch of salt to the now finished dish. I lifted it from the counter, walking away from Jack and Cho who I heard both begin conversing about how I was definitely wrong. But I knew I wasn't wrong.

I left the kitchen, walking over to table three and giving them their order. The guy thanked me and I gave him a smile in response before walking away. 

I glanced over to the cafe door on my way, finding more people walking in. However, my head shot to the door again as I thought I saw Harry. And when my eyes locked with the familiar green ones across the cafe, I instantly turned around again.

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