chapter fifteen

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It was the throbbing in my head, dehydration and light that was too bright even for my closed eyes that woke me up. I don't even remember how much I drunk last night, but this was the worst hangover I've ever experienced.

I let out a small groan, rubbing my eyes before letting them slowly open and adjust to the bright light. I just wanted water and some painkillers for this unbearable headache, but that thought didn't cross my mind again as I looked down. 

I was in a black and big top, it wasn't mine but rather the last persons I expected to see myself wear again. I slowly lifted the sheet, glancing down to find it was just the black top I was wearing. 

I let my head fall back onto the pillows in disbelief. It can't have happened. I don't remember ever going home with him. I remember letting him and Holly leave while I got even more drunk then I was. But I don't remember this.

Hesitantly, I turned onto my side confirming my thoughts. He was lying sound asleep beside me with only the thin, white sheet barely covering his lower half. I teared my eyes away from his lower half and turned onto my back again.

This could not have happened. Friends don't go and have sex with each other. At least not us. We agreed to be friends. Friends. And now... well now we'd just had sex with each other.

Harry let out a slight groan beside me. I turned to look at him just as his hand slid around my waist, pulling my front into his warm and exposed one. And annoyingly, I didn't even try to stop him. Instead I found it so easy to just relax into his hold, and that shouldn't happen.

"Harry" I said quietly, knowing he was awake because his hand was resting under my top- well his- while his thumb traced small patterns on my hip.

"I know" He whispered, resting his chin on top of my head. I let out a short breath, not able to take it and sat my hand on his chest, tracing over the ink on his skin as I listened to his steady heartbeat. 

We both stayed silent, neither of us knowing what to do or what we were going to do. I tried to keep my focus on his tattoos without thinking about the night before, but that just wasn't happening. I had a million and one questions I needed answered, and I'm pretty sure Harry did to.

"Do you... do you remember it?" I asked, still keeping my voice barely at a whisper.

"No" He simply replied, now bringing his other hand to slide under my top and rub soothing circles against my back.

"It was just a mistake. We were both drunk and it won't happen again" I whispered, trying to convince both Harry and myself. When I didn't get a response I rested my chin on his chest, looking up to him. "Harry, it was just a mistake, right?" I asked uncertainly.

"Yeah- yeah no, it was just a mistake" He whispered back, looking down at me. His eyes flickered in between my own as mine did to his. "Everything that happened- it was just a mistake" He reassured, sounding like he was also trying to convince himself as well as me. 

His thumb and hand never stopped tracing patterns on my skin once. I kept my eyes on his deep green ones, not able to look away.

What if I didn't want it to be a mistake? What if I wanted things to go back to the way they used to? I now realised why I had suggested the stupid double date idea in the first place. I was hoping that my feelings that I obviously still had for Harry, would somehow disappear, and that maybe I could move on. But the way that double date ended, was the last thing I'd expected to happen. And yet I both didn't and did care.

"If it was just a mistake, then how come it feels so right?" I asked quietly, voicing my thoughts that I so desperately wanted an answer to. "How come this feels right?" I asked, my voice somehow managing to get even quieter.

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