Part 30: Like Hermes

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POV: Chiron

I was sitting in my office in the Big House doing paperwork when I heard a scream echo across camp. It was female.

I quickly ran out. Campers were gathered in a large circle around something....or someone?

I approached. The campers split so I could see what we were dealing with. I young girl, about 8, was laying on the ground with a boy about the same age talking calmly to her trying to her. An Apollo camper approached the pair cautiously and spoke in calm tones to the young boy.

Reluctantly, the boy agreed for the camper to take his friend and him to the infirmary.


After a few hours, when I heard that the little girl had woken, I went to the infirmary to speak with them.

"Hello, children," I smiled kindly as I spoke. "What are you names?"

The little girl looked at the boy.

"I'm Travis Stoll. And this is my best friend, Katie." The boy said.

I nodded, "Are you related to a Connor Stoll, by chance?"

"No. How old is he? Also, what are you?" Travis asked.

"He would be about your Father's age,"I stated.

"No. I don't know him."

"Do you know both of your parents?"

"I only know my dad. He says that mom left along time ago. Katie doesn't know her dad," Travis said as Katie looked at her feet.

"Well, we better figure that out then. Your parents are gods. Travis your mom is a goddess and Katie's dad is a god. They are from Greek mythology," as I told the two children this, their eyes widened as the look at each other.

"Like Hermes?" Katie asked.

"Like Hermes," I confirmed.

Please don't kill me

-Katie Taylor, Author

(Word Count: 285)

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