Part 6: The Spy

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POV: Travis

"Katie, will you go out with me?" Aaron said. It was fast but still understandable.

I saw Katie grin. "Of course!"

My heart dropped. She didn't like me. I looked around at where I was. I was currently hiding in a very tall tree. I don't know why I had followed Katie and Aaron. I was dating Alliana. For about a month now. Alliana! I have to get back to her! We were meant to be going on a date. I looked at the watch on my wrist. 5:38 pm. It's been more than an hour since when I was supposed to meet her.

I looked back down at Katie and Aaron. They were gone actually. So, I climbed down the tree and went to find Alliana.

I spot her and run to her. "Alliana!" I reach her and feel a hot pain on my cheek

She had slapped me. Granted, I probably deserved it. "Where were you?!" She screamed at me. "You promised you would meet me at the border at 4. Where were you?"

I looked down. "I forgot.."

"Of course.." Alliana wasn't mad anymore. Or I didn't think she was. "You were spying on Katie and Aaron."

I looked up at her, surprised, "I was no-"

"Travis, I get it. You really like her and now she is with someone else," Alliana put a hand on my cheek.

"Alliana... I'm so sorry..." I gently grabbed her hand, "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"You didn't. I was just mad you stood me up. I understand though. You love her."

I hadn't thought of that. Me in love with Katie Gardener. I didn't think anyone would bring that to my attention.

"I don't love her.."

"Maybe not, but you sure do like her. That's why you prank her all the time," Alliana was so forgiving. How could a person be this kind as her? I wish I was.

"How did you know?" I ask her. "Did Connor tell you?"

Alliana laughs. "Yeah. He did."

I blushed madly. "That jerk."

Alliana held her hand out for me to take, "Friends?"

I take her hand and shake. "Friends," I confirmed. I pulled her into a hug. Not a couple-y hug, but a friendly one.

I had a feeling that Alliana and I would become very good friends in the next few weeks.

I felt like doing a chapter in the POV of Travis. This chapter made me kind of sad. Poor Travis.

-Katie Taylor, Author

(Word Count:389)

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