Part 21: Goin' Dancin'

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POV: Katie

"Miranda..." I complained, "Do I have to go?"

"Katie, you'll be fine," Miranda told me.

"I'm not a party person though!" I countered.

"Travis doesn't like strawberries, but whatever you give him he eats," she told me.

"Wait what?"

"The point is, Travis does stuff you like. Do one thing he wants," my sister told me.

I sighed, "Fine..."

I looked at the clock. It read 6:30 pm.

"Any minute. He'll be early," Miranda stated.

"Travis Stoll, early?" I laughed. Just then there was a knock on the cabin door.

I opened the door and there stood Travis. He looked good. I mean really good. He wore dark, loose jeans with a white t-shirt. He looked a bit like a 60's greaser.

"Hey, Katie-Kat," he leaned against the door frame. He was holding something behind his back.

"Trav, what's that? Behind your back?" I asked him.

"Something for you, love," he winked at me. I felt my cheeks heat. Travis obviously saw me blush. He brought out a dress. It had bright flowers and a very poofy skirt. "It's for dancing."

"Does this party happen to be 60's themed?" I asked as I took the dress.

"How'd you know?" Travis smirked at me.

"Your get-up," I laughed.

Travis laughed too, "Change into this and wear some vans or converse or something. I'll wait here," Travis grinned.

I stepped back inside and quickly changed into the dress and some black converse. Then I stepped out to Travis again.

He stared at me. So, I snapped my fingers in front of his face, "Travis, you there?"

"Yep! You look amazing!" He said proudly, "let's go!"

Travis grabbed my hand and dragged me to Bunker 9.

Hope everyone liked this chapter!
-Katie Taylor, Author
(Word Count: 291)

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